5 Biggest Al Trends to Look For in 2024

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Al Ethics and Governance As Artificial Intelligence becomes more embedded in society, there's likely to be increased focus on ethical considerations and regulations surrounding its use, particularly in areas like healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems.

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Al-Enabled Personalisation Businesses will likely continue leveraging Al to enhance customer experiences through hyper- personalisation, using data to tailor products and services more precisely.

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Al and Edge Computing Integration of Al with edge devices is expected to grow, enabling quicker decision-making and reducing latency by processing data closer to its source.

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Al in Cybersecurity Al-powered cybersecurity tools will likely continue to evolve. We will see the growing integration of Al in cybersecurity for threat detection, anomaly identification, and real-time response to cyber threats.

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Al in Financial Services Further integration of Al in fintech, particularly in risk assessment, fraud detection, and personalised financial advice is a huge possibility.

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