Prime Time Underground: Most of their lives (13-17 years!) are spent underground as nymphs, feeding on tree roots. This extended underground residency is unlike most insects.
Synchronicity is Key: Periodical cicadas emerge in massive synchronized broods, with billions of individuals appearing all at once. This strategy overwhelms predators and increases their chance of successful reproduction.
Musical Mates: Only male cicadas sing, using special organs called tymbals to create their loud buzzing sound. These songs attract mates and can reach volumes as high as a chainsaw!
Nature's Feast: The sudden emergence of billions of cicadas creates a bonanza for predators like birds, raccoons, and even some people who consider them a delicacy.
Masters of Molting: Cicadas shed their exoskeletons as they transition from nymph to adult. These empty shells clinging to trees are a telltale sign of a cicada emergence.
Ancient Lineage: The fossil record suggests cicadas have been buzzing around for millions of years, making them a true testament to evolutionary resilience.
Underground Architects: As nymphs, cicadas tunnel elaborate networks underground, aerating the soil and promoting healthy plant growth in a way that benefits the entire ecosystem.
Living Jewels: Some cicada species have vibrant colors and iridescent wings, making them look like little flying jewels.
Fungal Fascination: Some cicadas have a fascinating relationship with a specific fungus. While the fungus can kill the cicada, some species seem to have developed a tolerance, potentially even benefiting from the fungus in some way.
Ecological Importance: Cicadas play a vital role in the ecosystem. They aerate soil, prune trees, and provide a vital food source for predators during their emergence.