Arab Episcopal School: Opening Doors to Comprehensive Education
Arab Episcopal School

From historical buildings to thriving cultures, the mystical land of Jordan is a fascinating Middle Eastern treasure. The country also boasts an abundance of schools, universities, and career institutes, which demonstrates its strong commitment to education and, thus, a glorious future.

However, just like in any other country, it’s challenging to picture the compromised and dependent life of a specially-abled person, especially to achieve basic requirements like education. To tackle this, one of Jordan’s most celebrated schools, the Arab Episcopal School (AES), took the plunge to eradicate this setback in the country.

Under the excellent administration of Sabaah Zurikat, the school’s Principal/Head Mistress, and Reverend Samir Esaid, AES has excelled through the years in leveraging top-notch education facilities for blind and visually impaired students.

As a representation of the Arab Episcopal Church, their mission served as a beacon dedicated to helping the Northern region of Jordan. This admirable endeavor entailed the seamless integration of both sighted and visually impaired students, tying them together within the educational setting and establishing an inclusive community. Every person had access to the best social and educational opportunities in this place on an equal basis.

AES has a comprehensive approach to teaching the pupils, hoping to develop both their character and their intellectual abilities. This was accomplished through encouraging peace education, which is firmly based on democratic ideals, wholeheartedly respects human rights, places a major focus on volunteers, and has a strong sense of environmental stewardship. It was a vision that went beyond textbooks, one that acknowledged the crucial role that character played in developing a person’s overall well-being.

Together, the school aimed to influence a generation that would achieve in academics while simultaneously upholding the moral principles that make a society work well. Instilling democracy, respect, service, and environmental awareness in the pupils served as the cornerstones of the curriculum, guaranteeing that they would grow up to be not just knowledgeable individuals but also caring and responsible members of society.

Innovative Educational Schemes and Techniques

The school has a significant effect on its visually challenged students, encouraging a sense of independence and inclusion into society. Some of the school’s blind instructors were once pupils, demonstrating the success and empowerment that this establishment promotes.

The school provides a platform for understanding and embracing diversity that empowers visually impaired students. The school wants to give all pupils the necessary tools to engage comfortably with those who have disabilities by infusing empathy and acceptance. This knowledge will help them develop into caring and useful members of society who can lend support and aid without feeling awkward.

An inclusive learning environment at the school benefits both sighted and visually impaired teachers. In workshops, they actively participate, developing their knowledge of inclusion and its real-world applications inside and outside the classroom.

This knowledge exchange also includes giving workshops to other teachers to help them improve their inclusive classroom teaching strategies. Therefore, the school’s effect goes beyond its boundaries, transforming the larger neighbourhood into a more accepting and understanding society.

Students who are blind or visually challenged, their families, sighted pupils, staff, and the general community are all affected by the school. It serves as a shining example of inclusivity, promoting self-reliance, tolerance, and successful integration into a multiracial community.

The school has a lasting impact on the individuals it touches via empowerment and education, having a beneficial ripple effect on the neighbourhood.

Installing Creativity and Innovation

The school has aggressively improved its instructional strategies, emphasizing project-based learning in the classroom. Teachers often attend training sessions to improve their abilities and successfully use this strategy. Students are also urged to answer hypothetical questions, a strategy meant to develop the critical thinking abilities necessary for their academic and personal development.

The Ministry of Education presented AES with a distinguished award in 2023 in honor of its outstanding academic accomplishments. The school’s dedication to upholding high academic standards and encouraging academic performance is demonstrated by this recognition.

Notably, the ministry recognized it in 2022 for its commitment to helping a part of the Jordanian community that is overlooked. This acknowledgment highlights the institution’s crucial contribution to closing educational disparities and ensuring all students have access to a high-quality education, particularly in underserved areas.

With recognition from numerous prestigious organizations and its constant dedication to academic success and volunteerism, it is a leader in educational innovation and diversity, well recognised for the innovative projects it instils.

Incorporation of Technology in Learning

The school uses a StarBoard and computer lessons to boost learning through technology. Their dedication to diversity is well reflected in their ongoing research on excellent technology that helps those who are blind or visually challenged. Magnifiers help people with low vision, and screen readers and Braille Sense tools make it easier to use computers.

This proactive strategy guarantees that all students have access to instructional resources, demonstrating its commitment to utilizing technology for a welcoming and empowered learning environment.

Celebrating the Diversity

At AES, there are eight different countries and two different religious groups represented. This diverse mixture encourages acceptance no matter one’s place of origin. Through the seamless integration of learning about global viewpoints into their educational experience, the school actively encourages pupils to accept and understand many cultures, religions, and practices.

Students who are committed to welcoming differences develop into open-minded people who are ready for a world full of diverse encounters.

Encouraging Passion

Students at AES participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, such as chorus, robotics, English dialogues, and ProtectEd programs. Past offerings have expanded their alternatives, such as recorder sessions, Zumba classes, and football teams.

Its students’ ability to produce meaningful videos about the school, demonstrating their ingenuity, has been made possible through media classes.

The school hosts workshops to encourage connections and a sense of community because it recognizes the need for assistance, particularly among blind pupils and parents. Additionally, as they compete for class representation, students learn about the electoral process through the yearly student elections, which encourages academic advancement and personal development.

Teamwork and Alliances

The German organization EMS and the AES work closely together to facilitate the interchange of German volunteers in college to provide AES students with an understanding of other cultures. It collaborates extensively with Yarmouk University and the Jordan University of Science and Technology to expand its reach, involving students in events, reading challenges, and science-related activities.

One important project involves giving Braille classes to teachers from a nearby public school, Qadisiyah School, and AES teachers, both blind and sighted, with plans to expand this training to other public schools upon request. The Ministry of Tourism and a nearby museum also work with its students, both blind and sighted, to develop Braille and QR code materials to improve accessibility for those with visual impairments, demonstrating their dedication to inclusivity.

Unity and Understanding

The school places a high priority on continuing teacher education, including after-school training sessions run by experts and assisting teacher attendance at colleges for additional study. Each year, a few teachers are chosen to visit German schools to learn directly about inclusive teaching. The director and staff can communicate more effectively when there are regular teacher meetings.

The school embraces peace education, supports volunteerism, and fosters a healthy atmosphere. Teachers provide chances for pupils to participate and live out the school’s mission actively.

Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way

Yaqeen Zukari, an important AES alumnus, excelled academically in Northern Jordan. Yaqeen’s early years at the school helped her develop independence and the basics of learning because she comes from a family where everyone is blind.

She overcame shyness, accepted her special situation, developed confidence, and thrived in social interactions. Her constant self-acceptance and persistent commitment to her studies demonstrated her great potential, motivating everyone to believe in the strength of willpower in the face of obstacles.

Hands-On Impact

To promote diversity, the school encourages parents and the community to participate in school events. Sessions on health and concerts are promoted to a wider audience. Through volunteer programs, braille training, and school presentations, the community is becoming more involved.

Its students also use a robotic irrigation model to demonstrate their engineering prowess. Students can produce and sell soap, food, and crafts in neighbourhood bazaars thanks to AES’ project-based learning, which also encourages them to get involved in the community.

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