Black Horse of the Education!

Growing up as a student, have you seen the principal of your school present in the classroom and interacting with pupils like a teacher does? This might be changed over the years, but it is quite a rare sight in major schools. However, though you do not see the personality behind the school’s progress, a principal’s role in the school’s growth and grooming of the students is exceptional.

During the schooling years, seeing the school from the four walls of the classrooms, Principals were often found roaming in those empty hallways. Another common picture that pops into our minds is a well-educated person standing at the centre of the stage and addressing the entire school. In the midst of limited interactions that a person has with the principal, one question arises: What exactly does a principal do other than just signing the approval letters?

To answer this, let’s skip some of the learning years of life and enter the productive and working years. Throughout their learning arc, the principals influence the entire personality of students that have newly entered the real world. Let that be a person inclined towards creativity, great management skills, or exceptional leadership qualities; the credit for all these things directly or indirectly goes to the principals.

Today, the role of the principal is changing, and they have been heavily involved in the holistic development of students at different stages. Rather than just giving out a result that will help in bringing admissions to the school, the principal has got additional responsibility of managing students, maintaining quality education, helping in contributing to the growing arc of the teachers and non-teaching staff, etc.

Even after actively contributing to the school’s growth and indirectly grooming the students for a better future, their role in students’ lives is less talked about. The Knowledge Review magazine came up with this edition, ‘The Preeminent Principals of the Year, 2022,’ to address and bring stories of such influential principals to light.

In this magazine, you will find stories of prominent principals from different parts of India and how they are contributing to changing the educational sector for good. From highlighting their role in developing the school’s growth to grooming students towards an ideal life, let’s find out what makes these principals stand out in a highly intertwined and diverse country like India.

Have a happy and insightful read!

  • Ashlesh Khadse

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