Doha English Speaking School: Providing a Caring and Comprehensive Learning Environment

Doha English Speaking School

Legacy is a concept foreign to a lot of institutions. Many fail to establish a trail of successful events and achievements when it comes to enabling a fulfilling education, and education as you may know, sets the foundation of our lives.

Children learn the basics of everything from a very young age and a thorough education helps them with channelling a positive attitude towards their learning process. It helps in setting up building blocks while creating a way for their interests to surface as time passes by. But, facilitating education in a seamless manner is still a difficult task. It is a task that many schools and institutions fail to comply with and do not deliver in the manner they are expected to.

Hence, making a name in the educational space is of paramount importance for any premier teaching institute in order to garner trust of parents for generations to come. All of this has to be achieved while fostering excellent learning environment for students.

One particular school, for over forty years, has been upholding an approach similar to the notions mentioned above. We present to you, Doha English Speaking School (DESS), one of the longest established not-for-profit Primary Schools in Qatar.

A Journey of Progress

2019 marked the 40 Anniversary of the official inauguration of DESS by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani, the present Amir’s father.

DESS provides children with an outstanding education through the British curriculum. The school was established to serve the British community and continues to do so till present day. It has a level of excellence unmatched by other British schools in Qatar. Although predominantly British, the school now has no less than 45 represented nationalities.

“We believe in making children world class learners, developing in them confidence and thirst for knowledge that enables them to realize their talents and create their own futures,” Sean Sibley Principal.

DESS’s work is initiated by nurturing the many qualities and skills that parents have fostered at home. The school believes in working with parents to encourage children to be confident, courteous, responsible, and independent in order to achieve high academic standards and values.

The School spends time researching, developing and adapting novel ways in which it teaches children or students while ensuring to create the best learning experience for them. “If we figure out something and if that works, we do more of it,”

DESS provides children with an inspirational curriculum. The curriculum at DESS creates life-long treasured memories for students and it prides on enabling a dynamic learning environment for children.

“We believe in nurturing the whole child,” adds the Principal. The values of DESS – responsibility, kindness, perseverance, and respect are at the heart of daily life at school. Students underpin everything the school teaches and as a result it nurtures respectful, resourceful and empathetic children.

DESS Dynamics

The DESS Board oversees the management and development of the school working closely with the Senior Leadership Team to propose policy, strategy, improvement plans, use of resources and educational developments.

As children move through various year groups, DESS’s focus continues to be on developing knowledgeable, forward thinking learners with a passion for learning. Teaching staff challenge, give opportunities for academic and personal growth, and develop the children’s interests, talents and selfconfidence.

Students at DESS enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum beyond the essential life skills of English and Maths. It integrates special days or weeks where the emphasis is on developing, reinforcing and applying skills learnt, such as Roman Day, Environment Day as well as Science and Book Week. Exciting and wide ranging after school activities complement DESS’s teaching program.

DESS is a not for profit community school sponsored by the British Embassy. They have strong links with its parental body through the parent counsel. This has assisted its Senior Leadership team to improve areas of the school that including communication, home learning and outcomes for students.

Friends of DESS (FOD) is the fundraising forum for parents and teachers. FOD have generously contributed to the school’s community garden, adventure playground and trim trail. Every year FOD organizes fantastic events including the

Community Garden Planting Morning, Winter Fair, Ice Lolly and Pizza Days and Bake Sales for the students to enjoy. All profits made go back into the school to enhance the learning experience for the children of DESS.

Exhibiting Academic Excellence

At DESS, everyday technology is used to facilitate and enhance learning. An education beyond the walls of DESS is central to developing confidence and self-discovery. The school operates camps within Qatar for its younger key stage 2 children and a week abroad for those who are in year 6.

Specialist subjects are taught by experienced Music, PE, Computing, Arabic, Islamic Studies and French teachers. Children are actively engaged in a variety of experiences which foster their ability to research, debate, become analytical, evaluate and extend critical thinking skills. We push the boundaries beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge.

DESS offers a diverse physical education program with unrivalled opportunities for both girls and boys to acquire skills, develop strength and stamina and play competitively for the school. Its swimming, netball, football, indoor and outdoor athletics and basketball squads are regularly placed on the winning podium of the many key national competitions they participate in. Music is a foundation subject taught to every child where pupils learn music theory, sing and play instruments as part of theory lessons.

Students also have the opportunity to take part in instrumental lessons after school hours. DESS’s choir has won the Qatar Primary School Choir of the Year Competition and is well known throughout the country, performing at high profile events at the British Embassy, other local events and national competitions.

During DESS’s recent inspection by Penta International, they were awarded the highest grading of ‘outstanding’. The grading allows the school to be easily compared with other UK and overseas independent schools. Students leave DESS well-prepared to move successfully to their next phase of education whether in the UK or internationally.

In the Sunday Times Schools Guide 2019, compared with 2400 Fee Paying th Schools in the UK, DESS came 38. This puts DESS in the top 2% of UK Fee Paying Schools (based on Y6 SATS). “Our Alumni community holds dear their memories of attending DESS and still remains in close contact with us,” Sean Sibley, Principal.

The Amir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani and many of the royal family have attended this prestigious school. DESS is an exemplary learning institution with profound resources and the ability to take your child’s future to the next level.
