Dynamics of Data Center and Cloud Management

The International Data Corporation for EMC estimated that around 1.8 zettabytes (ZB) or around 1.8 trillion gigabytes (GB), of digital information was created in the year 2011. The amount of data in 2012 was approximately 2.8 ZB and is expected to rise to 40 ZB by the year 2020. There is a specific need for data centers to be created that can not only store large information but which can store it more efficiently, safely, securely and confidentially. These data centers need to be on the front on storing, processing, managing and disseminating of the data. Forthcoming technologies like Cloud are giving tough competition to these centers.


The terms, data center and cloud based data centers may be confusing at times, but the only common thing between them is that they store the data. The main difference lies in their physical working location. A company can have an in-house data center or can store data in other geographical location, whereas cloud stores information online. There is a physical need for storing electrical equipment in the centre. They also have to back up the data which require more storage units. Cloud on the other hand is online and becomes operational just after a quick registration.


The cloud Windows 10 Virtual Desktop and GPU dedicated server can offer unlimited storage but lacks certain security reasons. It can be upgraded and extended with ease. On the other hand, in-house data centers have limited capacities. To increase it, the company has to invest in new equipments and infrastructure; furthermore it occupies additional space and requires dedicated manpower to maintain it. In addition to that, in-house data centres needs utmost care as they have to be cooled down to reduce the heat generated by the equipment. This heat can cause the units to malfunction. Such incidents affect the company’s data and costs. In terms of energy, a simple data center may need only a few kilowatts of energy, but an enterprise-scale data center installation can demand tens of megawatts or more. Today, the green data center, are designed for minimum environmental impact. These data centers have to be constantly monitored, which takes a great deal of time and money but has its advantage in security.


Cloud glistens in the eye of small businesses. It cost them less, provides affordable subscriptions and takes no time to build. In the digital world of 2018, cloud is essential platform for several companies. A quick registration and you are set. It takes no time to bring together its operation. The subscriptions are affordable and scalable from vendor to vendor. The in-house data centers take times to build. It cost the company millions of dollars. One of the main problems these centers face generally is the efficiency of equipment. The power and cooling systems often don’t work as they are supposed to be. The solution to such complications is to maintain the accuracy via accessing a real-time data source such as Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency (DCiE). Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) tools address these problems and simplify the process. (DCIM) tools are quickly becoming the solution of choice to control inefficiencies. As the saying goes “Money is Power”, here it applies “Power is Money”.


An in-house data center is more secure than the cloud based. CCTVs and security personnel provide better management to these storage centers. Only authorized persons can access these records and therefore easy to identify the culprit in event of data theft. As these are physical local network, the safety protocols are repeatedly updated and help in transfer of data from one place to another, even to the third party businesses. Since the data center is a core business asset, comprehensive security measures, like badge access and video surveillance, helps in detecting and preventing malfeasance by employees, contractors and intruders. Cloud on the other hand, is external, remotely controlled site which is difficult to secure. It is vulnerable to cyber, malware and virus attacks. A simple breach can cause a whole lot of damage to data and the company. Numerous reports about such leaks have surfaced repetitively.


Companies in need of dedicated system, space and control should opt for the in-house data centers. But to expand it, they will need to buy more equipment, staff, and electricity. New and small business, which wants less cost and can cope up with less control, cloud is best. According to the revenue increase rate reports, it is evident that enterprises are transferring to the cloud on a large scale. Companies are opting for both cloud based and in-house centers, allotting their data as per their needs. The remedy can be a hybrid solution comprising both storages. Google, Microsoft, and Cisco have already created hybrid solutions. Cloud is sure flexile but it’s not that perfect to fully adapt immediately.

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