EdTech- Pros and Cons

EdTech, a portmanteau of the phrase ‘education technology,’ is that the mixture of IT tools and academic practices aimed toward facilitating and enhancing learning. ‘EdTech’ is a branch of technology dedicated to the creation and implementation of educational technologies (including software, hardware, and procedures). ‘EdTech is a study and ethical practice for supporting learning and increasing performance by designing, employing, and managing suitable technological processes and resources,’ according to the definition.

Today’s classrooms have moved beyond the clunky desktop computers that were once the norm and are now techinfused with tablets, interactive online courses, and even robots that can take notes and record lectures for school kids who are ill.

Educational technology has evolved in exciting new ways, inspiring teachers, and students alike. From the ancient abacus to handheld calculators, from slide projectors and classroom film strips to virtual reality and next-generation e-learning, educational technology has evolved in exciting new ways, inspiring teachers and students alike. The way we work, play, create, and communicate is always evolving as a result of technological advancements. As a result, it’s only natural that digital technology advances. “The technical instruments and media that aid in the conveyance of knowledge, as well as its growth and exchange,” according to one major definition of educational technology.

Take, for example, augmented reality and virtual reality. Technology innovation specialist Daniel Newman addresses utilizing AR and VR to ‘educate’ in his Forbes.com article on the ‘Top 6 Digital Transformation Trends in Education.’ This influx of EdTech tools is changing classrooms in all kinds of ways: EdTech robots are making it easy for school kids to stay engaged through fun kinds of learning; IoT devices are being hailed for their ability to form digital classrooms for school kids, whether they’re physically in school, on the bus or at home; even machine learning and blockchain tools are assisting teachers with grading tests and holding students responsible of homework.

The ability to saleable, personalized learning has been a key factor in EdTech’s rise. It’s not a one-size-fits-all issue when it comes to how we study, connect with classmates and professors, and our general passion for the same subjects. Everyone learns at their own speed and in their own manner. EdTech technologies let teachers build personalized lesson plans and lessons.

The benefits of educational technology in education are enormous and form a very difficult list. In general, educational institutions that have been using or essayed EdTech saw these common advantages:

Increase Student Engagement

These digital tools help to increase collaboration and engagement in the classroom. The biggest mistake when it comes to communication is the misapprehension that it has happened. Contradictory to popular belief, you can see an increased engagement in online classrooms because of the myriad tools available for communication and collaboration.


The kind of accessibility to education that technology has brought in is commendable. Students can access their classrooms from anywhere at any time and also, they have a wide range of options to choose from. Technology has made it possible for people to look beyond geographical barriers.


EdTech opens the door to a personalized learning experience. In place of textbook material and classroom activities, EdTech helps students to learn at their own pace and time. As mentioned earlier, it brings in a sense of ease and convenience.

Easy Grading

Paperless and comfortable grading is another major advantage that educational technology has brought into the picture.

Automated Reports

Thanks to educational technology and tools, it is easier to track progress and growth. With automated reports and realtime growth analysis, EdTech helps save time and effort. There are various EdTech tools that are designed to help teachers with classroom management and administration.

Five disadvantages of technology in the classroom:

Distracting Students

Smartphones have a bad reputation in classrooms and there have been strong cases for banning them in schools. Research suggests that during class time, when smartphones consumed 42% of the time that students spent on their smartphones in the classroom, it was to text, tweet, or otherwise engage in social media rather than the lesson.

Requires Management and Training

The rise of EdTech means that being effective in the classroom requires that teachers are effective on the screen and tech platforms. Studies show that three-quarters of teachers say the internet and other digital tools have added new demands to their lives and have dramatically increased the range of content and skills about which they must be knowledgeable, with nearly half saying it has increased their workload.

Leads to Tech Disparity

Tech disparity refers to how much access students have to the necessary devices. The differences in access can be seen between school districts, with more affluent districts having greater resources, but it can also refer to differences among students in the same school, where students from wealthier families having greater access.

Cost Money

Nothing in this world is free and buying cutting-edge electronics for a classroom is downright expensive. While there’s no way to avoid spending money modernizing a classroom, it is at least possible to maximize the total cost of ownership (TCO) by installing devices with longer lifespans and reduced maintenance.

Less Face Time

No amount of technology in the classroom can replace talented, inspired teachers. As the adage goes, any teacher that can be replaced with a tech device probably deserves to be replaced.

  • Rakesh Khatri, Corporate and Soft Skills Trainer, Director, The R.K. Institute
