The story of sisters Oark Nayhouy and Oark Nayheang, who rose from the depths of poverty and hardship to become university graduates and professionals, is a testament to the transformative power of education and determination. Their journey, which began at the notorious Steung Meanchey garbage site, is a vivid example of how education can break generational cycles of poverty and open doors to unimaginable opportunities.
In 2004, the sisters met Scott Neeson, the founder and executive director of the Cambodian Children’s Fund (CCF), who was working to help children escape the dumpsite and gain access to education. Nayheang, just nine years old at the time, was scavenging through rotting rubbish on the dumpsite in a tattered pink dress. Neeson asked if she wanted to go to school, and her response was a resounding yes.
Nayheang enrolled in grade 1 full-time with CCF, moving with her sister to CCF accommodation. Their aunt, who had been expecting them to work in exchange for housing and food, moved away shortly after, and the girls lost contact with her. However, they maintained regular contact with their parents, who had placed a high value on education and wanted a better future for their daughters.
Nayheang excelled in school, particularly in English, which she discovered a passion for in high school. She fondly remembers her time at CCF, describing it as her new home and her new family. The organization provided her with a full education, food, clothes, and shelter, and she credits it with changing her life.
The sisters’ story is a powerful example of how education can break the cycle of poverty and open doors to new opportunities. Their parents, who had missed out on much schooling themselves, wanted a better future for their daughters. By sending them to Phnom Penh, they hoped to provide them with a better education and a brighter future.
The journey of Oark Nayhouy and Oark Nayheang is a testament to the transformative power of education and determination. From their humble beginnings at the Steung Meanchey garbage site to their current status as university graduates and professionals, their story is an inspiration to anyone who has ever faced adversity.
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