Goethe-Institut Dubai: Advancing Knowledge to Foster International Cultural Cooperation
Goethe-Institut Dubai
Goethe-Institut Dubai

German has emerged as one of the most happening and favored languages in the global panorama. From a professional viewpoint, understanding the language better and further communicating can open up various employment opportunities. It is widely used by resident speakers in the European Union. German is amongst the ten most normally spoken languages across the globe. This language also acts as a gateway to higher education and is considered as one of the most accepted languages due to its worldwide competence.

Enhancing German language skills can open a plethora of opportunities for job seekers as well as for students who want to gather further knowledge to achieve an edge in the international economy. Germany is the world’s largest exporter of chemical products, goods, vehicles, metals, and so on. Many leading automobile, travel & tourism, and business companies are on the lookout for international partners. These reasons speak for the requirement of able professionals who are proficient in the German language and can assist the leading companies to excel and thrive in the highly competitive market.

Hence emerges the need for excellent educational institutes that nurture students and enrich their knowledge of the German language. The leading language schools endow students with numerous skills that help them to attain proficiency in the language while thriving in the field of education or the professional arena. One such trailblazing institution pursuing excellence in German language education is the Goethe-Institut.

Worldwide, Goethe institutes promote the study of the German language abroad and encourage international cultural exchange and relations. Named after German poet and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, they foster knowledge about Germany by providing information on German culture, society, and politics. Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. It conducts sessions on films, music, theater, and literature. Moreover, the institute’s cultural societies, reading rooms, and exam and language centers have uplifted Germany’s cultural and educational policies for more than 60 years. Goethe-Institut Dubai is situated in Al Raffa at Kuwait St.

A Plethora of Exceptional Courses

Goethe offers skillfully crafted courses, which ensure the academic and career development of the students. Focused on enhancing the students’ knowledge, it offers standard German courses. After assessing the abilities of each student, they are offered lessons on levels A1/A2 (beginners’ levels), B1/B2 (intermediate levels), C1/C2 (advanced levels). Each level is divided into four sublevels.

All levels can be taken in faster or slower paced courses. All courses run for eight, nine or ten weeks. Depending on the intensity of the course, a varying number of sub-levels will be covered. All courses allow a maximum of 16 participants.

  • RELAXED 4- This course type is slow-paced. It completes one sub-level in a total span of nine weeks. One session is conducted per week. Each session of 45 minutes covers four teaching units of 45 minutes each. A Relaxed 4 course covers 36 teaching units altogether.
  • EXTENSIVE 8- Under this standard-paced course type, 72 teaching units are taught throughout two sessions per week. Each session of 45 minutes covers four teaching units. In the Extensive 8, two sub-levels will be completed in a total span of nine weeks.
  • INTENSIVE 16- Four sessions are conducted each week in this fast-paced course type. Each session covers four teaching units. In the Intensive 16, a full level consisting of 144 teaching units will be covered within nine weeks.
  • SUPER INTENSIVE 20+ – The fastest course type on the schedule runs with five sessions per week and four teaching units per session. The Superintensive 20 will cover a full level consisting of 144 teaching units of 45 minutes each within eight weeks.

Focus on Promoting the German Language

Goethe offers German classes for adults, teenagers, and children while offering make-up courses for German native speakers. The courses follow the Common European Framework for Languages. They are based on detailed curricula and are closely linked to Goethe official language examinations recognized around the world. Goethe offers a communicative approach through its curriculum. The classes are focused on enhancing a student’s ability to interact; accordingly, in the classroom, the only language spoken from day one is German. The students are taught to use their language skills in real-life situations. The institute aims to provide them with intercultural competency, and to develop cultural knowledge of Germany and the German people.

Beyond Traditional Teachings

Goethe emphasizes on enhancing language learning through co-curricular offerings. It conducts various cultural and leisure-time programs which provide direct insights into German culture, society, and everyday life. For example, the institute organizes German “Stammtisch”, a free monthly meet-up group, various film screenings, and many co-operation and information events with the German Consulate General in Dubai.

Career Opportunities and Financial Assistance

The institute not only pays attention to the academic development of the students, but also provides financial assistance. It awards annual grants for German courses in Germany to particularly dedicated students and grants for the courses in Dubai as well. The institute prepares the students for university studies in Germany. Most of the students complete their studies in German language and pursue their careers in the fields of medical and engineering, two disciplines for which Germany is internationally renowned. Job opportunities in Germany are excellent for someone with both sound education and fluency in German.

The Success Saga of Goethe

The institute has upheld German language and culture for over six decades. It has focused on developing a mutual dialogue with the civil societies of its host countries, creating lasting trust in its nation. The work of Goethe-Institut is supported by Germany’s Foreign Office and is carried out independently without any political party affiliations. At present, it operates 159 institutes in 98 countries, 12 of them in Germany. The institute’s association with partner institutions in many other places give it about 1,000 points of contact around the world.

Future Endeavors     

Marching ahead, Goethe institute strives to promote Germany as a country and German as a language in the Middle East and in the UAE in particular. It looks forward to deepening its ties with schools and universities in the UAE to provide access to German language courses and German culture to even more pupils and students.    

Pull quote for designing purpose:

The institute promotes knowledge of German abroad, encourages international cultural exchange, and conveys a comprehensive image of Germany. 
