Lawpreneurz: Enabling a Better Understanding for Legal Studies
Raunaq Kakkar | Founder and Director | Lawpreneurz

Any business should be based on an idea that either comes from personal experience or solves a problem at large. For the common man, law is either black or white, but law is in fact a grey subject which comes down to interpretation. Law is a subject that doesn’t require a fancy approach to learn. Law needs to be understood. The complexities of such a subject need to be broken down and explained in a simple yet effective manner. At Lawpreneurz, that is the standard operating procedure.

As mentioned earlier, Lawpreneurz ticks both the boxes of being an idea that initiated from a personal experience and it is solving a huge problem prevailing in the legal studies space. The idea arose when Mr. Raunaq Kakkar, Founder and Director of Lawpreneurz, failed his law exams and realized he had no means of learning crucial subjects. Trying to study from books and online platforms, he realized that law, unlike other professional courses, cannot be learnt. It can only be understood. This inability to understand and pass his exams despite eventually graduating from a reputed law university prompted the decision to start Lawpreneurz.

At Lawpreneurz, students understand their law subjects through video lectures, notes, and solved questions and answers which can be accessed from their phone, at their own convenience. This revolutionary digital law school allows a student to decide what he/she wants and is also the only place where attendance is not mandatory.

In an exclusive interview with The Knowledge Review for the issue ‘The 10 Best Educational Institutes of the Decade (2011 to 2020)’ let’s read what the dynamics are for Lawpreneurz in the words of Mr. Raunaq Kakkar:

What steps are you taking beyond the traditional curriculum to ensure overall development of the students?

Our experienced and qualified faculty have created content for core subjects taught across the 1300 law schools in India. A traditional classroom with 50 plus students will not have every student on the same page. Everyone has a different learning ability. Lawpreneurz bridges the prevailing gap and allows students to learn at their own pace and comfort. This solves a major issue and helps future lawyers be informed and well educated. In a traditionalmethod of learning, it’s not possible to go back to your teacher before an exam and have a concept thoroughly explained. But at Lawpreneurz, you can get a 1:1 ratio which has always been the need of the hour.

How has Lawpreneurz contributed to the domain of law education in the country? How is it different compared to the other players?

I believe we haven’t even reached 5% of Lawpreneurz’s potential. While the plan is to make Lawpreneurz the one stop for everything there is in law, at heart it will always be toeducate. Ever since we have understood the meaning of education, law as a subject has always relied on books. Buying multiple books and making notes has been the norm. That is what weare changing with Lawpreneurz. Law has found itdifficult to transition into a digital world, but our platform is bringing it online. Within the wider market, Lawpreneurz is still one of its kind. While there are players providing education and assistance, Lawpreneurz is the first to focus on foundation – students at the school level – a phase in their life which will make or break them as a lawyer. We aren’t the only ones who feel so.Our subscribers, our biggest assets, have validated our assumption by letting us know that Lawpreneurz was the platform that was missing from their life.

How has Lawpreneurz helped educate the masses at large, who have had preconceived notions about lawyers or the domain at large?

Now that’s a tricky question. There will always be a good and bad side to everything you do. We live in a country where avoiding courts is the norm. Simultaneously, as a democratic country, we trust that the judiciary and system is the only way to progress. The biggest issue that regular citizens face is not being aware of their rights. This issue is something no platform can solve. It can only come from within when we decide to get educated and understand that the law is ultimately here to protect us. At Lawpreneurz, we don’t educate you about your rights and duties. We educate you about the subjects that form the law. Whether it’s the Constitution of India, or Criminal Law or Property, we help you understand the intricacies of the law. And we have been successful in doing that. Subscribers from a non-legal background, but who require a broad understanding of the law for their work, have found our platform invaluable. As a result, we help both law students and regular citizens understand the foundations of our system.

Please help us know about the courses offered by Lawpreneurz and the benefits of masterclasses provided to the students

Lawpreneurz was started to help law students understand their law subjects better. From Constitution, to CriminalLaw, to Intellectual Property to Contracts, all compulsory subjects taught in law school are made available through smartphone-accessible video lectures, notes, and solved questions. With our soon to be launched app, a student can download the content and study hassle free.Masterclasses are special classes where we educate the general public about recent amendments or possible changes to laws, which is useful for both students and regular citizens. However, our key focus will always remain subjects taught in law schools.

Can you share your views on the trends witnessed, viz-a-viz Lawpreneurz focus on practical and theoretical exposure in training the students to be industry-ready?

In the field of law, it’s not just the practical usage of theoreticalknowledge that makes a lawyer stand out. It’s a culmination of life skills which no schoolteaches. Though still in the ideation stage, Lawpreneurz plans to handle thisaspect too, enabling students to master soft skills and life lessons that help excel in both law and life. This feature extends to everyone looking to move out of their comfort zone.

Please share some of the success stories of students by availing study materials and courses from Lawpreneurz.

We take great pride in our testimonials, where students state how Lawpreneurz helped them excel in their college exams and practicing lawyers highlight how its constant availability helped them prepare cases. Ultimately, our objective is not to take credit but to become a platform which provides quality, helps a learner understand at their own pace, and removes the fear of a professional course like law.

Kindly enlighten us about the future plans of Lawpreneurz.

We haven’t even reached 5% of where we plan to take Lawpreneurz. For us the objective is to complete all subjects that are taught in law schools. While we have covered a major chunk of what is taught, we are still a long way to go. Apart from that, keeping the 1:1 ratio intact, we plan to revolutionize education, take that big step and remove the need of aphysical space to learn while still keeping the touch of a teacher.
