Milind Kaluskar: A Devoted Principal Focused on Academic Betterment of the Students

Milind Kaluskar
Milind Kaluskar

The success of any educational institution depends on exceptional leadership. Dedicated principals, who are focused on attaining excellence for their institution are the pillars of success. They work towards overall development of the students, while also support and encourage the teachers and staff to achieve more. These focused principals give their very best to take their schools to newer heights.

One such remarkable principal, who acts as the torchbearer of academic excellence is none other than Mr. Milind Kaluskar, the Principal of Delhi World Public School, Morbi, Gujarat. He is a veteran educator, who is focused on educating students for their development. In an interview with the Knowledge Review, Mr. Milind shares about his journey as an educator in the academic arena, his various achievements, his opinion about the education sector, and his future plans. Following are the highlights of the interview:

1. You are highly regarded as an educational leader, leading Delhi World Public School. Please introduce yourself to our readers and your professional journey so far.

With a strong disbelief I accept your statement. Yes, I got the opportunity to lead Delhi World Public School -Morbi and that has made all the difference. Coming to my introduction – I am a principal having a teacher’s heart that beats continuously for the academic betterment of my students. I am a genetically blessed son of a well-known Professor teaching the similar subject.

The seeds of my professional journey were sown when I was a college going young student minutely observing the respect my father and uncle earned in the society. It was just the beginning but the real professional journey became viable when I embarked on my first job as a TGT English. Right from that day onward, it propelled with a passion to provide the BEST to the students. I always prefer and insist on providing students something that they can not get from social media or any search engines like Google.

This approach made students accept me as their mentor. This has also increased my responsibility to deal with them with extreme transparency. They developed a confidence that this teacher if unable to guide will never misguide us. This motto and a very sound content helped me fetch the best teacher’s award consecutively for three years. As I said, my leadership is influential just because I listen to other people. In real life, I implement principles of management in its true spirit. I consider management as an art that deals with living being. Hence, I do keep a human touch in my approach.

2. What inspired you to become an educator? Would you like to tell our audience who were your role models growing up?

I think I have already covered this answer but let me add something to what is already said. My father had always been an inspirational personality in my life. He taught me the lessons of honesty, compassion and firmness in life and my mother was always a silent supporter to whatever I did in my life. Moreover, right from a very young age I enjoyed reading books and books are never failing friends. This transformed my personality into a very kind, passionate and karmayogi youth. When I embarked on my journey as TGT, I used to compete with myself. So, my personality was always in motion with no stagnancy. I wish to become the best and always be an ever learner. It is the master key to reach to the top and stay there. I, being an ever learner, cultivated the attitude conducive to learning. It does not make any difference whether you learn from 10 years old child or your driver. They all teach something and so are role models. Let me put it this way – “If you wish to grow, the whole Universe is your role model”. I wish all the students of middle school cultivate the reading habit for enhancing visualization skills.

3. Please tell us about your institution and how you got appointed for the role of principal of the same.

My institution Delhi World Public School-Morbi is under aegis of Delhi World Foundation – New Delhi, functioning under the chairmanship of Louise Khurshid. She is an accomplished journalist, a brilliant writer, a Politician, former M.L.A. and on the Governing Council of Welham Boys School, Dehradun. She has pioneered several ventures and with her passion and zeal, today Delhi World Foundation has 60 schools operational and several to commence in coming days with more than twelve thousand students enrolled at present.

Mrs Khurshid’s vision is to create well rounded individuals by taking the road less travelled, but a road which is filled with adventure, curiosity, and wonder. Emphasis is laid on learning from the environment, combining spiritual philosophies with different subjects in the curriculum.

My institution Delhi World Public School – Morbi’s founder trustee Shree Rajubhai Kamdar is also the pro V.C. in erstwhile Delhi Public School-Rajkot and now Delhi World Public School- Rajkot. I was a PGT-English teacher over there and my dedication and sincerity made the management to consider my candidature for developing their new unit at Morbi where I am functioning effectively as a principal and have been very much productive. We, the Members of the Delhi World public school -Morbi, give to ourselves a Charter of Excellence in Education, Social Service, and Advancement of Human Values with a commitment to bring over transformation of all enrolled students.

4. Kindly share your views regarding interactive, online educational content and how it is affecting students and modern classrooms. How are you helping make educational technology usable and applicable to school or college education?

Online education system, as we all know is an abrupt innovation when global pandemic caused nationwide shut down. However, teacher community of entire Globe took up the challenge as an opportunity and they initiated online education. They really did a tremendous job. I salute everyone. It started with conducting classes on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google meet, and what not. With passage of time, a new concept of blended learning came into usage. Teachers’ community accepted it without raising any confrontations. However, I personally believe Virtual will always remain Virtual. It can NOT be REAL. Online teaching is a stop gap arrangement. It cannot be replaced with classroom mode of teaching. Virtual classrooms are a revolutionary innovation but in a country like India, we still believe, enjoy and relish in the fragrance of soil with onset of rain.

The show must go on. We adhere to this principle and make students, rather compel students to learn virtually. A Voice aided Power Point Presentation, Live Class on Zoom, PPT converted to PDF, Voice Recorded Chapter Explanation are some of the tools we use to foster learning. We conduct assessment of students by developing google forms, quiz etc. The students use these different educational technologies till the teaching instructions are going on. The moment school time is over, the cat is out of the bag. It solemnly lies on students’ personal will how to utilize it.

5. Which branch of educational philosophy do you and your institute subscribe to and implement in the classrooms? And why?

Delhi World Public School- Morbi follows a very simple and straight forward educational philosophy. We aim to impart quality education par excellence. We instil a sense of inquisitiveness and exploration, observation, and synthesis in each child. Every child is encouraged to inculcate the values of citizenry; a commitment to good health, high values and sensitivity to the environment. The Delhi World Public School- Morbi believes in providing parents expected return of their spending. We do this by bringing a complete CHANGE in the child.

We carry out different activities to make students inquisitive – online summer camp activities, joy of giving week, online yoga competitions are some of the ways to subscribe and achieve the desired outcome. We also started a mass campaign for collecting RAKHIS for our brave soldiers. We personally went to one border and tied RAKHIS on the wrists of our soldiers. All these activities make students sensitive, and they feel that they have a place in the society. It lifts up their self-esteem.

6. Education is considered a tool for empowerment. What effort do you and your institution take to make sure that education is provided to those who need it?

Education in my view imparts knowledge which is otherwise hidden between the lines in the book. A student receiving knowledge becomes powerful in terms of increased confidence, positivity, knowledge, wisdom, and an enlightened person from within. He/she thus becomes an EMPOWERED person. Such persons are brimming with readiness to take up challenges. Delhi World Public School-Morbi keeps this essential aspect of educational empowerment at centre and plan Academic Calendar. Students from 7th standard onward are provided career awareness programmes to understand that the field choice they make is futuristic or would extinct when they are available for job. We carry out industrial visits to make them understand skills and stamina required to make an industry functional. Besides academics, these activities help students develop VISION. We follow the system of Identification, encouragement, and empowerment.

7. What is the one thing you would like to change in India’s higher education system or in India’s schooling system?

The school system of India and higher education system does require rehabilitation from the root. The government has already triggered the button by introducing New Education Policy. Apparently, the NEP is highly ambitious and comprehensive, but our country must work fast on the development of infrastructure for the desired viability of NEP. In addition to that, I would say the schools’ and colleges’ curriculum should be designed in such a way that the students become industry ready to get absorbed for job or become an entrepreneur and start encashing their skills.

On the other hand, there has to be a drastic change among stake holders’ expectation. They always choose career options with routine key words like doctor, engineer, chartered accountant etc. This sparks the race for marks and students get transformed in marks yielding field and ultimately the ORIGINALITY is lost. Hence, parents need to understand that every child possesses some unmatched unique skills which they need to safeguard and develop.

8. Please share what lies ahead for you and your institute in the near future.

I believe Education is a journey to the unknown. It explores individual potential and encourages the stakeholders to utilise this potential for contributing to the nation. I wish to recognize my school premises as a centre of excellence where talent gets nurtured. It is my aim to make my school number 1 in the town and the learner-centric environment, crystal-clear policies and democratic teaching-learning process confirms that we shall be achieving our target at the earliest. The stakeholders of Delhi World Public School – Morbi shall have clear vision about their future career. They would be overflowing with confidence, ready to face real life challenges and become contributing hand for the nation. The values taught in the school will make them a compassionate citizen.

9. What advice would you like to give those who aspire to step into the field of higher education?

Those who are pursuing higher education deserve great appreciation, they are really the ones who would keep the momentum of knowledge in motion, however, a word of caution. Education does not mean the collection of degree certificates stapled in thick files. Education is overall development of body, mind, and soul. If you have degrees but lacking in wisdom, the education is useless. It would be a paper qualification. This qualification will definitely help you to earn the job but your interpersonal skills will decide the sustainability of the job. Hence, along with the education, try to cultivate EDUCATIVE attitude. A positive attitude matters a lot, moreover, the communication skills, honesty, reliability, updated knowledge, technological skills are all essential attributes necessary to become a complete youth ready to enter in the world of work.
