SNS College of Engineering: Developing Confident and Diligent Future Citizens

SNS College of Engineering
SNS College of Engineering

“SNS College of Engineering envisages its vision to provide quality education of international standards and impart knowledge and skills to the students, in the process to shine as one of the premier institutions in the country and worldwide”

SNS College of Engineering (SNSCE) is an Anna University affiliated Institution in Tamilnadu. It was established in 2007, and is run by the highly reputed Sri SNS Charitable Trust, with the aim of being in the forefront of Technical Education and Management Studies. The institute has state-of-the-art infrastructure, highly skilled and dedicated faculty members and outstanding placement and training cells with successful proven track records.

Initially, it started with 4 UG programmes having the strength of 240 students and 28 faculty members, the college stands tall today by offering 6 UG, 7 PG and 4 Research programmes leading to Ph.D. degree having the strength of 1564 students and 154 faculty members. Accredited by the NAAC with Grade A, the Institution is applying for the re-accreditation in its 2nd cycle. National Board of Accreditation (NBA) has accredited ECE, EEE and Mechanical Engineering (UG programmes) for 3 years. It is committed to produce world class technocrats with high caliber and professionalism by inculcating Engineering and Technological education.

The Institution’s policy has been framed by IQAC, which is based on Teaching and Learning (Centre for Learning and Teaching), Research and Development (Centre for Creativity and IIPC), Extension Activities (Social Responsibilities Initiatives – SRI) and Training & Placement (Skill and Career Development).

An Adroit Leader

Dr. S. Rajalakshmi is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. Initially, she started her career as a Medical Practioner and served in renowned hospitals like Eswaran Polyclinic, Tripur, Savitha, Ruby, Kumaran, and CSI Hospital-Erode. During her two decade long career,she has successfully performed more than a thousand surgeries and contributed in the lives of many families by embracing their journey of parenthood. She has keen interest in helping the communities by offering diversified service and hence, she started conducting social and educational activities. She involved herself as a Correspondent in all the activities of SNS institutions under Sri SNS Charitable Trust. She has won prestigious honors such as “Best Women Entrepreneur Award” by the Times of India during the years 2013 and 2015 and “Gold Star Award for Excellence in Higher Education” for her outstanding contribution for National Unity and Economic Growth from Global Achievers Foundation, New Delhi. Her relentless zeal, incessant quench for success and willingness made her to walk the extra miles,which have broken all the myths about women’s inborn limitations.

Dr. S. Rajalakshmi has promoted many Institutions in and around Coimbatore like Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science, SNS College of Technology, SNS College of Engineering, Dr. SNS College of Education, and SNS Academy. She is a determined self and enthusiastic personality, who plans to run several more miles for the upliftment of the society by helping thousands of associated families as employees and more than ten thousand students who are studying under her group of institutions.

Centre for Learning and Teaching – (Teaching and Learning)

In order to accomplish the vision and implement it for the bigger picture, the institute has a core CLT (Centre for Learning and Teaching) team. It takes care of training on Attendance Assessment and Audit (AAA record-staff), life skill mapping, structured lecture method, student engagement methods, and reflection. It also conducts Fresher’s Orientation Programme, Teaching Workshop Series, Faculty Development Programs and Semester Academic Auditing at SNSCE. It is continuously working on Workbook/Resources creation for students, Assessment and Rubrics in Outcome Based Education, Leadership Board/Badges Model Creation for students’ motivation, Curriculum Designing Team for Design Thinking, and SNS Courseware for Learning Management System.

Skill and Career Development (Training for Placement and Higher Studies)

A right platform for shaping student’s life skill over their lifespan. As such, skill and career development involves students personal and professional skill set by imparting qualitative soft skill, technical and aptitude training, often for selecting their career (Placement/ Entrepreneurship/ Higher studies). As an innovative practice paying attention for improving communication skill, flexibility and adaptability, interpersonal abilities, decision making, ability to wear multiple hat, tactfulness and ability to learn from criticism to enhance the students by personally and professionally. About 90% of the students have been placed in last academic year through the active training and placement cell. Entrepreneurship and employability is augmented only by skill development. Skill and career management isn’t just a nice-to-do; it’s a must to do.

Centre for Creativity (CFC) – (Research, Consultancy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship)

The Genesis of CFC is rooted in the need for sustaining a culture of innovation and inquisitiveness on campus.  To achieve this CFC promotes inter university and intra university connects through foreign collaboration, students and staff exchange programme and joint research. CFC fosters networking with industries to develop new product and help them to solve their critical issues.

At SNS we believe that innovation leads to startups, supporting Make in India and heralding a richer economy. CFC also supports company on campus to nurture students and staff on cutting edge technologies and also support local enterprises.  The CFC has an innovation hub for hardware related product development. CFC has entered into a MoU with Forge to accelerate startups and to prepare them for getting venture capital.

SNSCE also has an incubation Centre funded by MSME, Government of India to the fund of Rs. 66.5 lakhs to support innovation startups. In addition the management has set up a soft loan of up to Rs.10 lakhs for budding alumni entrepreneurs. To nurture this ecosystem, seed money for students and staff to the sum of Rs.1lakh per project is also available to all departments.

CFC undertakes research and consultancy activities supported by staff and students as a part of its R&D activities. Thus CFC nurtures holistic development of students and staff by sustaining a culture of innovation steeped in technical excellence.

SNSCE provides financial support to the students based on the merits and means such as single parent/no parent scholarships, academic topper scholarships and sports scholarships.
