The Knox School: Training Creators, Innovators, Thinkers and Visionaries!

The Knox School| best education magazine| education magazine

The world the next generation of learners will inherit is one of complexity and ever-changing innovation. A world where it is insufficient to have knowledge and ideas without the skills and attitudes to apply the knowledge and implement them. And the inculcation of these attributes begins at the school level itself, where the new generation of learners may have the optimal opportunities to nurture their thought, creativity and curiosity in an engaging educational environment.

Today, to be well educated no longer refers solely to an education in mathematics, science and the arts; it demands the infusion of the 6Cs – creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, character and contribution – at age and context appropriate opportunities that combine to nurture the successful self-regulated learner and promote self-efficacy.

To thrive in the ever-changing world, this next generation of learners need a school committed to fostering the cultivation of an adaptive set of skills and values that, together with knowledge from the traditional disciplines, will equip students to embrace change as an opportunity. A school in east Melbourne embodies all the values mentioned above and is a training ground for the visionaries of tomorrow. Welcome to The Knox School!

The Knox School is an independent, co-educational school located in an outer metropolitan environment east of Melbourne, which aims to deliver innovative education with dynamic teachers at its heart. Teachers who connect, shape, provoke and position their students to thrive in an adaptive global environment, encourage engaging, demanding and rewarding learning, and support students to advocate for themselves, contribute to their communities and thrive as challenge becomes opportunity.

In the classroom, in the sports field and in life, you can always tell a Knox student. They are remarkable young people who take these values into the world and make a difference. They are confident, connected and focused on learning. Whatever path in life they choose, if they are a Knox student, they will be the best they can possibly be, and the school is immensely proud of them.


The Knox School envisions to be recognised as a centre of excellence, focused on designing and implementing a model of personalised learning that is achievable and attainable within the current educational context.

The Knox School will grow and stimulate young people’s learning and wellbeing to equip them to thrive and contribute in a complex and changing world.

The Knox School will grow a culture of excellence and accomplishment. This will be an environment where to strive, experiment, fail and strive again is valued and rewarded and to accomplish outcomes beyond expectation is the norm.

Exceptional Academic Results

The school’s VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) and NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) results show that it is a school that cares. The Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN results positions it in the top 2% of the nation.

Small classes enable students to get the personal attention they deserve, and the teachers are always available to provide extra help in any subject. The afterschool ‘academic tutoring’ is just another way the staff go the extra mile to make sure their students are not left behind.

There are endless opportunities here for pupils at any level; sport, music, performing arts, science, coding, robotics – the list goes on. Each child from Year 2 to Year 7 receives free music tuition on a rotation of orchestral instruments with opportunities to become part of musical ensembles.

And most importantly, the child’s social and emotional wellbeing are just as important to the school as their academic outcome.

Continuous online reporting from Years 7-12 allows timely feedback on your child’s progress and allows the teacher, parent and student to identify, intervene and improve. A Year 7 Centre is specially designed to ease students into secondary school life. It caters to the critical needs of the adolescent with an emphasis on health and wellbeing.

Elaborating on the incredible experience of studying at The Knox School, the Deputy Principal and Principal Elect – Nikki Kirkup, explained: “We are only limited by our imagination. If students suggest an activity or excursion, we will do our best to accommodate. Past suggestions have been trips to Cairns to view a solar eclipse; hiking and skiing in New Zealand; abseiling in the Grampians and much more. We don’t do the same things year in year out – we’re adaptable and the students love it.”

The Innovative Leader

With over 20 years of experience in education, Nikki Kirkup, originally from the UK, came to Australia from St George’s International School in Switzerland where she held the role of Head of the English and Drama faculty for seven years. She implemented the International Baccalaureate Diploma and redesigned the ‘Middle Years English’ program in this role.

Before joining The Knox School at the start of 2020, Nikki held the role of Director of Senior Years at Melbourne Girls Grammar (MGGS) and Acting Deputy Principal and was instrumental in leading various projects and teams in the middle and senior school.

Student agency and ‘leadership beyond the badge’ are both areas that Nikki has championed, working closely with students to develop a range of philanthropic and enterprise initiatives. With her passion for collaborative leadership, student-centred approaches, community engagement and innovation in education, Nikki is excited about her role at The Knox School, especially a return to co-education and a significant role in furthering the four pillars of the school strategy.

Aspire to Make a Difference

The Knox School approach is centred around four key principles-

Connect: real learning is relational

Shape: real learning requires expert teaching

Provoke: real learning is challenging

Position: real learning must be purposeful

Situated in an awe-inspiring environment with clean air, an abundance of space, outstanding facilities, and proximity to public transport – The Knox School’s size is perfect to allow teachers and staff to get to know children parents personally. It is a values-driven school, celebrating each person’s unique spirit without any religious affiliation.

“We have a commitment to academic excellence and to maintaining our position as a high achieving school,” stated Deputy Principal Nikki. “Our excellent NAPLAN results and strong VCE results reflect a school rich in personal attention. Every child and their family are known personally by the principal and teaching staff. Our excellent facilities are available to all students,” she added.

The school does not have compulsory Saturday sport allowing pupils more time with their families or to pursue their own weekend activities. Junior students can take advantage of a variety of co-curricular activities such as coding, film-making and young engineers. The school facilitates a full-time registered nurse, counsellor and career counsellor on staff to assist students and their families.

The Knox School is only 500 metres from the East Link freeway, making it easily reachable from Melbourne’s southern and eastern suburbs. The Knox School is a place where learning and excelling is celebrated by all.

The Knox School provides…

  • Small classes, specialist groups and individual attention
  • A secure urban environment
  • Career guidance and personal counselling advice
  • State-of-the-art multimedia and presentation resources
  • Access to the latest teaching methods in modern facilities supported by Digital Technology resources
  • Counselling for course selection for VCE and University entrance
  • A community dedicated to multiculturalism and the growth of international understanding
  • Care and proper supervision of students to provide a safe learning and living environment
  • The VCE– An internationally recognised qualification
  • Health Services – A registered nurse available every school day
  • Dedicated counsellors for the needs of students
  • Special classes in English as an additional language (EAL)
  • Additional programs in oral and written English
  • The celebration of major cultural events at school
  • A five-weekly reporting cycle for parents
