Agreement on “Historic” Teacher Contracts Reached between Union and Clark County School District

Clark County
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The Clark County School District and the union that represents its teachers have reached a deal on new contracts following months of talks.

In a press release on Wednesday afternoon, the Clark County Education Association declared the “historic” deal with CCSD.

It comes after months of judicial and public back-and-forth on the district’s plan to use funds appropriated by the Nevada legislature for teacher salaries. When the parties were unable to come to a consensus, CCSD opted to take the talks to arbitration.

Superintendent of CCSD Jesus Jara expressed his satisfaction with the deal, saying, “The School Board of Trustees and I are pleased that the approved contract gives our teachers the historic pay increases they deserve while aligning with the $637 million budget the District allocated in our budget process for licensed personnel.” “Teachers can enjoy their holidays knowing that relief is on the way.”

What union leaders called a “substantial pay increase” will be included in the new contract; this will be distributed as an 8% salary increase in the second year after a 10% salary increase in the first.

Beginning in July 2024, CCEA officials announced that teachers in Title 1 schools with a 5% vacancy rate and special education teachers would receive $5,000 more in compensation. (According to CCSD, those schools will be chosen at the conclusion of the 2023–2024 academic year, with salary increases taking effect in the 2024–2025 academic year.)

Additionally, a rise in extra duty pay for teachers is anticipated, going from $31.50 to $50 per hour.

According to CCEA, “There will be no increase by employees toward monthly premiums.” As part of the deal, CCSD will contribute an additional 19.7% in monthly health care premiums during the life of the agreement.

Union leaders also stated that teachers could anticipate receiving back pay beginning in March 2024 and going into effect on July 1, 2023.

Union officials went on to say that they think the arbitration process should be modernized and that they want to push for such reforms during the upcoming parliamentary session.

The agreement, in CCSD’s opinion, also specifies what will happen in the event that money allotted in S.B. 231 isn’t reappropriated in the following budget cycle.

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