“We empower our graduates with the knowledge, skills & values needed to deliver humanistic and evidence based quality healthcare in Malaysia and rest of the world, with an aptitude for continuing professional development”
AIMST is a private sector university located in Malaysia’s northern state of Kedah Darul Aman. The university offer world-class education at affordable rates to one and all. Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University (FoM-AIMST) is proud to have graduated over 1750 successful Medical doctors in its sixteen years of academic excellence. The holistic physicians produced by AIMST are equipped with the ability to function as critical thinkers and problem solvers, skilled in detecting and managing various health problems with a well-engrained sense of caring and service to the community. The combination of research-led teaching and intense professional training that all students receive at AIMST provide them with a strong foundation for further postgraduate studies leading to a variety of career options within the medical profession.
Torchbearer of the Faculty
Senior Professor Dr. KR Sethuraman is the Dean of Faculty of Medicine. He is from India and has vast experience in Internal Medicine and Medical Education. He had worked over 40 years at one of the premier Medical Institutes in India, JIPMER, and Pondicherry. He had published over 50 indexed research papers and over 100 invited articles to his credit. He is an author/co-author of nine books. Above all he is an International Advisory panellist since 2004 for 4 editions of Davidson’s Textbook of Medicine, which exemplifies his vast academic knowledge and acumen. He had also served as the Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (a Deemed to be University) Puducherry in India for a period of 5 years.
Maintaining Student Diversity
The programs of the institute especially MBBS program is quota based where surplus students are from Malaysia and so the numbers of international students are limited. However, the school had International students from different counties including India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Saudi Arabia who had studied/studying MBBS program at AIMST.
The institute offers four post graduate programs in Basic Medical Sciences which receives international students from different counties every year. PG students are from different countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan, Nigeria, Libya and India. Moreover, there are students from countries from Japan and India in other faculties (through student inbound program) with whom the Medical students interact during the different cultural events that happen throughout the Year in AIMST.
Igniting Students Mind
Peer Assisted Learning System (PALs) gives leadership qualities besides making learning interesting and effective. In the final year of study, all the students have to complete 6 weeks of elective posting in a center of excellence. Most of the students get their training at national centers/hospitals and quite a number choose to experience it overseas at reputed hospitals which include the ones in UK, Australia Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan and India.
The white coat ceremony conducted at the start of their medical career imparts professionalism and symbolizes the need to be empathetic, tolerant and honest to the profession as a medical practitioner. The students also take the Hippocratic Oath to pledge their professional commitment during their event.
Special Qualities Apart from Others
The Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) course of AIMST is modern and innovative and is modeled after the integrated curricula adopted by major medical schools in the UK and tailor made to incorporate the local requirements stipulated by the Malaysian Medical Council and the Malaysian Qualification Agency. The integration of basic sciences with clinical sciences is done both vertically and horizontally over the five years. Students get an early exposure to clinics in the preclinical years with two weeks of primary care interface in year 1 and six weeks of hospital attachment in year 2. Inclusion of clinical components in the first two years of the programme is designed to help students relate the basic core knowledge that they have gained to applications in a clinical context and to introduce them to real life issues impinging upon current medical practice.
FoM-AIMST has both Anatomy and Pathology Museums. Learning anatomy is made easy with prosected specimens from cadavers and use of e-virtual microscopy. AIMST University is one of the few in Malaysia with a well-equipped Clinical Skills Centre from 2005 to support the MBBS program. Procedural skills can only be acquired during the undergraduate training by practicing on various clinical simulation devices. The learning of such procedural skills cannot be learnt on the actual patients for obvious reasons. The Clinical Skills Centre is equipped with different simulation devices of varying fidelity to enable medical students develop clinical skills which are important part of providing medical care to the patients.
The high fidelity simulation devices can mimic real-life clinical emergency scenarios and allow students to make diagnosis and treat the emergency. The outcome of the treatment of the “virtual patient” depends on whether the management is effective or not. The usage of simulation devices promotes patient safety by enhancing the clinical skills of the healthcare professionals. There are devices to guide students to learn to identify normal and abnormal heart sounds and breathe sounds. Students can also learn how to perform per rectal and vaginal examinations using low fidelity simulation devices. Other high fidelity simulation devices include intra-venous cannulation, intra-muscular injection, spinal tap and airway management devices. Retinal and ear examination simulators allow students to visualize diseases conditions. The middle range fidelity simulators allow student to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation which include Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, Paediatric and Neonatal Life Support.
Annual Events
The AIMST tagline of ‘Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders’ is rendered true, by the holistic education that the AIMST students’ associations and clubs offer via co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. These activities project our student leaders on the national and international arena. The medical students of Reach Embrace and Deliver (RED) association of AIMST University support the underprivileged patients of teaching hospitals with medical aid as a part of University Social Responsibility. RED association organizes a mega music event every year called Music of Hope to raise funds to support the patients.
Learning Streams at the University
The school encourages their students not only to excel academically but also to participate in extra-curricular activities, including participation in student organizations such as clubs and societies as well as sports activities. Students may also register into new organizations by contacting the Student Affairs Division.
Badminton court; Gymnasium; Running track; Olympic-sized swimming pool; Basketball/netball court; Volleyball court; Six-a-side hockey field; Five-a-side football field; Aerobics/yoga room; 400-metre track; Tennis/squash room; Mosque & Prayer room are among the sports and recreational facilities available in the campus. Students here are encouraged to develop their gain managerial, entrepreneurial and leadership skills by empowering them in organizing seminars, conferences and participation in club activities to raise funds for their association. Medical Students’ Association (MEDSA); AIMST Indian Cultural Society; AIMST Punjabi Cultural Society; AIMST Union Christian Fellowship; AIMST Movie Club; AIMST Basketball Club; AIMST Football & Fustsal Club; AIMST Badminton Club; AIMST Business Club; AIMST Frisbee Club; AIMST Tennis Club; AIMST Technopreneur & Innovation Society; AIMST Leo Club; AIMST Glamz Movie Zone Club; AIMST 24 Seasons Drum Club; Language Club; R.E.D Association; AIMST TZU CHI Collegiate Youth Association; AIMST Kendo Club; AIMST Buddhist Association; Rotaract Club Association; AIMST Taekwondo Club; SEAD Association; Music Club are some of the clubs available in the university.
Achievement Worth in Gold
Witnessing and being a part of the student’s prestigious journey is the proudest moment for any institution. Tan Wan Ying’s; an alumnus of AIMST University journey towards prominence is a very good example of the aforesaid fact. She says that during her time at AIMST, the university, the faculties and her fellow students have helped her shape her journey and psyche. It has helped her find the clarity towards life. AIMST encouraged Ying to seek more than the typical life of a medical student; she found a new inner-self with a broader vision. Alike many students, Ying too wanted to get into top universities to further extend her knowledge of medicine. However, during the initial days it seemed as a far-fetched dream. With the encouragement she got from AIMST to dream big, fondness towards scholarly work and natural aptitude for learning, Ying decided to apply for an US clinical elective subject. Juggling between her final years of medical studies and preparing for applying to US, Ying had faced several challenges. The long procedure of applying which included completing medical check-up, exams and preparing other needed documents, Ying even doubted whether she would get enrolled for this course. Her never giving-up attitude and persistence acted as her driving force and helped her take the bold decision of joining the university and landed her at International Visiting Medical Student at Yale University, USA. Yang grasped this once in lifetime opportunity and got an opportunity to study about. Cancer metabolomics while attending an oncology research lecture. Ying’s growing enthusiasm and immense interest in this field has led her to be part of the metabolomics team at Yale as a postgraduate fellow for a year starting from November 2018.
Words of Trust
I would describe AIMST University as exciting and dynamic. I was initially attracted here by the school’s reputation and my career goals. However, I am blessed as the lecturers here enrich the lives of students through topics that explore faith, learning and serving. Besides the serene ambience, the Faculty of Medicine of AIMST owns one of the nation’s top notch clinical skills facilities.
To me, the best thing about being a student here is the number of additional opportunities that are available. I feel extremely lucky to be in an environment that allows me to explore on what interests me the most without abandoning my role as a good medical student. So in all my time here, I have never felt bored.
-Lavannia Kasinathan (Year 5, MBBS Batch 20)
Being a medical student, I am grateful for the wonderful experience that I have gained throughout the past 3.5 years. The lecturers practice open communication with us and are very experienced in teaching. Our stimulation lab is well equipped to allow students to have maximum exposure and sharpen our skills. The great facilities, friendly environment and hands on practical conducted will definitely prepare me to be a great practitioner in the future. I am proud to be an AIMSTER.
– Jasmine Lee Pek San (Year 4, MBBS Batch 21)