Altresume: An Online Tool that Helps You Translate Your Knowledge into a Job


Looking for a place to work is not always easy, especially if you have just finished school with no previous experience in the field that you studied. Being able to bring out the knowledge inside of you and its worth to future employers is key to being successful in a job search. Altresume helps everyone looking for employment by enabling them to create the best CV and cover letter in order to go out into the job market and be hired.

Altresume Provides CV Templates for a Strong First Impression

They say that it is very hard for someone to overturn the first impression that they made. When you study communication, they teach you that within seconds, a person conceives about 300 ideas about someone/something that they see. That is surely also true about a CV. When a recruiter looks at twenty, fifty, and sometimes more than a hundred CVs in order to fill a position inside a company, he obviously compares them all. But not just to the ones that he has received for this particular job; to all the ones that he looked at in the previous weeks and months. Therefore, if a CV is not as close to perfection as it can be, in terms of visual (first) and content, it is bound to go on the pile of those that won’t make it to the round of interviews.

At, jobseekers can download one of the many professional CVs that are available on the platform. Because they were created by people who specialize in the job market, the applicants who use these templates can feel confident in sending them to anyone responsible for filling a position inside a company, whether it’d be the owner or someone that the firm hired in order to proceed for them. At first glance, anyone receiving such a CV will be happy about the visual presentation, as they will be able to find the information that they are looking for easily and rapidly.

Content Is Key in a CV and a Cover Letter

When you want to be hired for a job, whatever industry sector it may be, you need to possess the knowledge that will enable you to handle the work but also shows that you can go beyond what someone else would do if they were hired. How can you convince someone that you have acquired the qualities necessary to obtain the job and that you would be more beneficial to their company than other applicants? By adapting your personal information to the job description and to the company culture.

To do so, you need to understand the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job and insert examples in the CV and cover letter that show that you were up to the task in similar circumstances before. It doesn’t have to be about the job per se. It can also relate to something you did in your private life. The closer you will be able to prove that you have the knowledge and the personality that the company needs to lead them forward in future years, the closer you will be to making this position yours.
