An Educational Journey of The Millennium

We are not going to talk about ‘War in Syria’ or any War in particular, neither ‘War Vs Education’ nor ‘the Need of War’. We are going to talk about the individuals who are running away, leaving behind everything and walking on lands they never visited, meeting people whose languages they never heard, for educating themselves for a better future. Probably we are unearthed when we read those words, even when we see the pictures. But at least, let’s talk about their stories; probably they will be “inspiring for us”.

As many as 13 million refugees have taken asylum in different countries, including Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and some European countries due to war in Syria. Many countries are accepting them due to the international pressure while many still making excuses. Out of these people, 2800 refugees have managed to settle down in England.

Kabir, 17 year old who found asylum in the UK, said, “My parents had dreamed to give me a better education, I will complete their dream that is the only aim of my life.” He lost his parents in the war. The Name list goes on, Kabir in UK, Mohammad in USA, Omar somewhere in Lebanon, the only thing common in them is a ‘drive towards education’.

Absolute Need of Education

Many Refugees are fighting for food, shelter and clothes, for them education might be just a luxury. That’s hardly the case for these people, their passion and commitment to learn and get educated has become a thousand fold more. So what drives these people so crazy towards education, in rhetorical point of view, to figure out why and how any of this happened to them.

Their commitment towards education has made UNICEF and UN Special Envoy to start “Education Cannot Wait” campaign.

A Thousand Challenges

A new university, new classmates, new syllabus, new language and thousand challenge to come across. Students who have not seen classrooms or even school since last two to four years are not even sure whether to join a school or to enroll themselves in the colleges.

Where students from all over the world searching for universities which suit them the best, refugee student are awaiting a response for acceptance from colleges or school they never even heard of. Many charitable organizations alongside volunteers are providing education and much needed information to them.

One thing is for sure, Education isn’t a thing to request for, it is a right of every single human being, not matter which country, race, gender and class he belongs to.

A Loud Cry for Help

United Nations has spent more than  $6,272,347 US on education as per Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). The number of organization has come to help these student which are dearly looking for colleges and schools. The organizations are saying, “Many of these students are feeling as outsiders, the only subject they are fit in is English. We need to create a familiar environment so they can focus on their studies while ignoring other factors.”

Al Hroub, the winner of Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize said: “Integration of these students in society has high priority because it will be deciding factor to keep their belief in education system and distancing them from thoughts of dropping out of education.”

‘An Educational journey’ and ‘Remembering the Greats’

Not even single school or a classroom is open in the country which is facing havoc. Their journey from Syria to Lebanon, from there to other parts of the world was educating more than what they were learning in the classroom. We all hope, the most integrated and formal education will curb their pain inflicted on their childish mind.

As one of the greatest man who walked on this earth, Mahatma Gandhi said about education, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
