Apparel Training and Design Center: Draping its Students in Excellence

Apparel Training & Design Center | The Knowledge Review

The center pursues “Skills Excellence” in an integrated manner by creating a “step ladder-training eco-system” which provides a clear career path to the aspirational Indian youth.

Being an institute which has trained over 3, 00,000 candidates over the last one decade Apparel Training and Design Center (ATDC) has found a place of prominence among students across the country. It is one of the most sought after Vocational Education Institute in the apparel export and domestic industries while also providing entry level trade courses for different Ministries National Apex Agencies & Skill Missions. ATDC is a training partner of NSDC & is preferred training provider for several CSR providing companies including GAP India & Gross Beckert etc. It has also trained over one lakh students in the longer duration vocational courses while giving them tremendous benefits to them under while providing wages to their families post the ATDC training.

Designing Futures at the Institute

Under the aegis of AEPC, Apparel Training and Design Center (ATDC) has earned its name as the Largest Vocational Training Network for Apparel Sector. There are over 175 ATDCs on Pan – India which are comprised of 65 ATDC Vocational Institutes and more than 100 ATDC-SMART Centers. They are present in clusters across 25 states all over India and are affiliated to NSDC as a Non Funding Partner along with being approved by the AMHSSC as a training partner. ATDC has implemented training programmes in collaborations with the various Central and State government agencies like Ministry of Textiles (ISDS), National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation (NSFDC), National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC) and many others also it has PSU’s like Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Container Corporation of India (CONCOR) etc. The Apparel Sector has the maximum potential for employment generation, especially to revive the rural economy. The ATDC is also approved by MOT, MORD and by AMHSSC Sector Skill Council for Apparel Made-ups and Home Furnishing.

A Comprehensive View about the Courses

The ATDC vocational institutes offer a wide range of courses that are a vital component to train youngsters in the field of apparel, fashion and textile for careers in an Integrated Fashion Eco – System. The B.Vocational programme was initiated in collaboration with the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Youth Development (RGNYID- an INI under 35/2012 Act of Parliament) and approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). It offers courses such as B.Voc in Apparel Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship and, B.Voc in Fashion Design and Retail. The institute also has Longer Duration Certificates and Diploma Programmes where the students are trained in Advance Skill & Soft-Life – Skills. This way upon finishing the course they are ready to be initiated into the apparel/fashion/lifestyle industries in both domestic as well as export sectors.

Another kind of course provided to the students is the Continuing Education Programme which are launched for the working professionals and aspiring students. Conducted in collaboration with the IAM industry projects and CE Programmes Division, it gives them the choice of part-time and weekend short time courses. The concept of Power Courses is implemented which improves the chances of being employable while also keeping the changes of the fashion/textiles, apparel and lifestyle industry in mind. It overall addresses any key challenges that the students may face and build a learning environment for everyone by utilizing summer workshops, industry workshops and seminars. Apart from all these options, students can also take up courses with duration of 3 months to 1 year which are conducted under the ATDC-IAM CE Programmes section.

A Visionary Academician

Darlie.O.Koshy is an eminent personality who apart from being an expert in the field of textile-apparel-retail industry is also a pioneer Academic & Visionary and a persuasive administrator. Apart from attaining a Ph.D from IIT Delhi he is also a rank holder in MBA from CUSAT and has been trained at FIT in New York. Post this, he had joined NIFT, New Delhi as the Founding Head of Fashion Management. He is responsible for the innumerable advancements brought forth in various educational institutions such as National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad where he served as the Director and Governing Council Member for 2 consecutive terms He is also known to be the only Indian to have been member on the Executive Board of World Body of Design for three terms during which he brought the Indian designs up onto a global platform.

His contributions to the fashion, apparel and textile industry have grained him plenty of accolades and awards. He was conferred with the Indian Achievers Award for Education Excellence, the International Holden Medal Award of Textile Institute, Manchester UK and the Star if Italian Solidarity which is known to be one of the highest civilian awards from the Government of Italy. He was also bestowed with the International Award and Citation by the Fondazione Europea Guido Venosta for his immense contribution to Design for Development and Quality of life. He also holds the role of an acclaimed International speaker and is an author of 3 important books on “Marketing & Design” as well which highlights his multi-faceted personality.
