Assisting Students with ADHD for Better Outcomes

Assisting Students

Many students suffering from attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder have to confront with the problems of keeping things organized. If one goes through their school bags, they may feel that a hurricane ran right through it. This does not prove that students are lazy or careless; they are not equipped for this type of organization. Many of them also suffer from additional disorders like dyslexia, spectrum disorders, fine motor delays, and so on, which may add on to their struggle. One can imagine what these students have to go through every day at school, when they have to arrange their bags and make sure that they carry their homework. In this case, modern digital technology comes into play, assisting students to keep things in order and carry out executive function.

How to Assist Students to Manage their Organization?

Sometimes we all come across situations when we see our desks covered clumsily with papers, files, and other things. Students can feel they have entered a room to look for clues to solve a mystery. A fully digitalized system can be of tremendous help to ease various activities like organizing schedules, keeping track of important dates and events, and so on.

Teachers can utilize online classrooms and applications like learning management system (LMS) to upload and present students with all kinds of information such as documents, grades, assignment calendars, and much more. Various portals like Google Classroom, Hapara, Canvas, and so on can help students to simplify classroom organization.

LMS can help Students in Better Organization

There are a variety of ways in which LMS can be of major assistance to students with ADHD, and contribute in their overall development. These methods can help them to organize things properly, while overcoming academic difficulties.

Assistance in Tracking Assignments and Calendars

With the help of LMS, teachers can create calendars and charts, which will provide them information about upcoming projects and activities. This will also make the students realize which assignments need to be completed and when they are due. There are also many systems and applications that provide options like ‘upcoming assignments’ tab, when students and teachers browse the home page.

Traditionally, students used to go through their bags and spend the first ten minutes of any classroom session to search for the homework and assignments. Now, with the advent of LMS, things have been simplified; students can carry out homework activities independently and they can coordinate with the teachers on what to work next on. They can also suggest the teachers how to proceed further with the classroom sessions and incorporate innovation in education.

Enhancing Teacher Feedback

It often happens that students find it difficult to read and understand teachers’ handwritten comments. Students can use LMS to submit a typed assignment and receive direct feedback from the teachers on the document itself. For example, if students send soft copy of a word file, teachers can review the same and respond via comments. Students can easily access them and respond to the comments as per requirement, or can refer to them later.

Editing the Content Efficiently

Back in the days, students received corrections from the teachers on notebooks and charts. They had to go through highlighted and messy drafts and create a separate note of their own, which was hectic. But now, with the advent of advanced technology, they can edit and rewrite their drafts on the go. It also reduces the usage of printed paper, focusing on the eco-friendly aspect. Moreover, it makes the learning process interesting and helps students to improve in writing production, expressive language, and attention issues.

Practicing Writing based on Real-World Scenarios

Students can develop practical writing skills by using an LMS. Many students have trouble expressing themselves verbally, in writing, and pragmatic social language. As a result, their sentences often become short and lack the detail. Using LMS technologies, students can learn to read and write e-mails to the teacher, whenever they feel confused about an assignment. They need to write clear and concise sentences to make sure the teacher fully understands the context. This activity helps in developing useful communication skills among the students.

The digital era has ushered on us numerous technological boons. It has uplifted education to newer heights. Complexities have been simplified and new dimensions are gradually being explored. Thanks to these technologies, classroom education has received a new definition; students get the opportunity to diverge from the monotonous education system and try innovative procedures for better results.

Online portals are nowadays playing an essential role in helping students with ADHD and learning challenges. They are enabling them to not only accomplish things in an organized manner, but also boost their confidence. With the help of LMS and other associated technologies, students can track assignments, complete them in time, and interact with the teachers in real time, in the digital space.
