Australia to Present World’s First Cyber Crime University Course

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Australia deal the world’s first university development to train intelligence analysts to fight cyber crime, encouraged by innovative methods of money transfer among organized crime and militant groups. The degree expands Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s attempts to ratchet up policing of money transfers amid anxieties that organized crime and militant collections are using technology such as the “dark web” and crypto currencies to spot their payments hard to trace.

From the past year, Turnbull has extended the role of money-tracking agency the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) and decided to share financial crime intelligence with China.

Keenan also said Australia had recognized a formal partnership between AUSTRAC and a host of law enforcement, financial services and tax organizations to organize the gathering of financial intelligence. He appended that the “Fintel” partnership would contain Britain’s Financial Intelligence Unit and that AUSTRAC was in conversation with other potential international partners.Justice Minister Michael Keenan said AUSTRAC would twitch teaching the world’s leading university-accredited “Financial Intelligence Analyst Course” over 16 law enforcement analysts assembled a pilot course. “As terrorism and prepared crime becomes more classy, our law enforcement and intelligence agencies need highly capable people to fight back and defend our national security,” Keenan added.
