Becoming a Listening Educator is Key to Effective Classroom Education

Conducting an interactive classroom session not only enhances the teaching–learning process, but also opens doors for innovative educational procedures. A teacher should ensure that the classes are productive and should introduce new dimensions of learning to the students. The most crucial part of an educational system is the development of a personal connection between the teachers and students.

The secret to maintain a successful classroom session is to become a listening educator, even if what they hear is a mix of whispers and giggles. This will develop a system conducive to better understanding, learning, and development. The strategies mentioned below can assist educators to foster better communication with the students and nurture an environment of education, teamwork, and creativity.

Setting the Context is Important

It is essential to create an environment, which would make the students feel comfortable in the classroom. Teachers should treat the students with love and respect, and pay utmost attention to their needs and problems. It is important for teachers to realize that they are not here only to take care of the students for a few hours a day. In fact, it is their responsibility to nurture them and transform them into furnished and responsible citizens of the nation. Teachers should create such an environment, where students should feel comfortable enough to interact with them.

Understanding the Importance of Listening

Teachers should try to understand what the students need from the classroom session. Connecting with them will provide an idea of what lies in their hearts and minds. Students know what they want from education, what engages and excites them to attend classes. They are well aware of the hard work and dedication required to excel in studies. Listening to students will help in understanding what problems they are going through in the class. Also, it will keep them engaged and motivated throughout the class.

Dealing with Problems Strategically

Research states that students seek proper attention from the teachers throughout a classroom session. If classes are not interactive and less attention is paid to any student, it may lead to student dissatisfaction. This may eventually cause increased dropout rates and poor academic performance. A listening educator can solve many serious issues like school violence, indiscipline, and so on. For example, in case of any dispute between students, if teachers listen to both sides and have a proper discussion, they can come to a feasible solution. Moreover, if teachers spend some additional time to discuss and assess problems of each students, then they can help the students in dealing with the same.

Listening can enhance Classroom Education

Teachers can ensure interesting and interactive classroom sessions by paying equal attention to each student. Listening to them and properly understanding their problems and requirements can help teachers to make lasting effects via classroom sessions. The following strategies can help teachers to take classroom education to the next level.

Active Participation in Classroom Discussions

Conducting interactive classroom sessions requires more than just listening with the ears. Teachers should provide their feedback to the students by postures, gestures, facial expressions, and verbal responses. They should allow students express their ideas on various topics taught in the class, and should allow them to complete what they want to say. They should not directly judge any student. They should ask for clarification from any students when needed, and it is also important not to shout out words when the students do not want to hear.

Tackling Distractions is Important

An active classroom requires the teachers to overcome all the noise and distractions, and complete the designated syllabus in time with complete dedication. Although it is a challenging task, but overcoming all the external and internal distractions, including personal prejudices and biases, can help teachers to fully focus on the class. It assists them to actively listen to what the student is saying.

Becoming an Empathetic Listener

Empathetic listening requires the teachers to fully understand what the student is saying by reflecting their emotions. As such, it is positive, non-intrusive, and not emotionally charged. They should be careful about negating or brushing off what a student is saying. If students remain silent, teachers should respect that as a time of reflection. Demonstrating care and concern for students will encourage them to open up and present their honest opinion. This can very well present a sense of victory during tense situations.

Actions speaking louder than Words

Every action of teachers in the class gives a clear picture of whether they are listening to the students. Maintaining direct eye contact with the students while they are explaining something speaks for their dedication. Also, they can stand next to the student and look directly at their work. Also, quieting other students while one student speaks, not interrupting, and offering feedback cues such as nodding, are many other effective strategies.

An Interactive Class Environment has Multifarious Advantages

Creating an interactive class environment is beneficial for both the teachers and the students. With proper interaction, teachers can gather information about the strengths and weaknesses of the students. It will also create room for innovative group activities which can nurture overall development of the students. Spending some extra time with students and listening to their problems can initiate radical changes in them. Children often face situations too large for their young emotions to handle, and sometimes they don’t have anyone to share their experiences with. They have respect for teachers and treat them as role models. Listening to students is a major step towards their development. If teachers take the initiative of healthy interaction with the students, it can work wonders for their overall development.
