Breaking the Students’ Stress Routine

Stress Relief for Students
Stress Relief for Students

With the exam season fast approaching, students tend to go through a lot of pressure. Each year, the benchmark rises and pushes youngsters towards putting in extra efforts. This has been creating a lot of expectations on them along with giving rise to immense stress in their lives. According to a survey conducted in the year 2018, over 86% students are facing a lot of s in different ways. This statistic gives rise to the fact that while being in a race to achieve their goals, students need to be given a break from time to time. This is essential to make sure that their minds feel refreshed and can execute more tasks efficiently.

Step Outdoors and Rejoice in the Weather

Most of the schools and colleges in the country mostly conduct exams during the summers and this creates a sense of exhaustion in students. But turn the same situation into something fun such as play time and the entire vibe around it changes. It’s indeed necessary to use the bright weather to an advantage by going out for a walk or to play in the nearby park or ground. This will help in improving ones mood and in turn boosting the productivity. Exercising outdoors will also allow for more fresh air into the body and help in rejuvenating the body

Indulge in Movies or Books

Sometimes fiction can seem to be more interesting than reality and in this case, students can find that watching movies is a cure to this monotony. Watching a funny T.V show or listening to the radio can also help in freeing the mind of tensed thoughts. Reading novels can also distract the mind and allow it to have thoughts other than just about exams. This escape from reality is essential for a healthy mind and hence an activity like that should be a part of daily life.

Cooking for Yourself

Cooking is a process that tends to make use of the entire body as well as the complete attention of individuals. The person needs to decide upon a dish to prepare, has to think of the ingredients, start preparing and then come up with the final dish. This process easily takes anything between 20-30 minutes which is ample amount to time to de-stress. Additionally this also allows a person to eat something prepared at home without having to worry about falling ill. It can also be turned into a fun activity if a couple of friends are involved.

Clear the Clutter

A cluttered desk leads to a cluttered mind which will in turn lead to a similarly cluttered outcome. Too many things in one particular corner or area of a room tend to irritate the mind, leaving it stressed and in turn exhausted. So when you’re involved in the task of revising and studying, it’s always better to sit in a room that has minimal stuff around. If you have a desk, make sure that the required books and maybe the laptop along with writing equipment are the only things present on the desk. Any extra papers, wrappers, extra books of other subjects,

unnecessary question papers are best kept away from the desk. This will bring more clarity and give one the chance to focus upon a particular subject in a systematic manner.

Involve in Creative Hobbies

The exam season apart from being completely dedicated towards your academics is also the best to build on one’s hobbies. Giving some time to any activity such as dancing, singing, painting or anything similar, can give the mind a break from continuous stressful thoughts. The mind in that timeframe is able to free itself and rejuvenate. This will in turn allow the person to concentrate better post the break.

Breathe In, Breathe Out

When a person experiences extreme amounts of stress, the mind stops thinking as it normally would. There are no rational thoughts and this can lead to further errors. One of the fastest ways to calm the mind is to practice a few breathing exercises. They don’t require any equipment or any effort. All one needs to do is sit in one spot and focus on their breathing. This will help to bring down the overactive pace of the heart, along with bringing down the number of thoughts to the mind. This focus will make the mind more alert, and help in processing more thoughts later on.

Talking Through the Tough Time

Finally, the best way to get through the exam season is by knowing that the stress can be reduced by talking about it. Exams are one of the toughest tasks for students and this tends to put a lot of pressure on them. They are constantly preoccupied with the thoughts and need to make sure that the mind doesn’t feel the burden. Encouraging them to speak out loud to anyone they prefer will allow them to free their mind of any negative thoughts. By speaking out, it also allows them to look at things with a different perspective.
