British Columbia Fortified its Quality Standards for International Education

International Education
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The Province is actively addressing exploitative practices and enhancing the quality of post-secondary education by bolstering standards and implementing new safeguards for international students in B.C.

“International students come here seeking a quality education, but unfortunately, many fall victim to exploitation or manipulation,” stated Selina Robinson, Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. “That’s why we’re implementing stricter requirements for institutions and robust safeguards to shield international students from exploitation, guide them towards success, and ensure B.C. remains an attractive destination for talented individuals needed to address significant labour market gaps and propel our economy forward.”

The Province’s new measures will establish elevated standards and increased accountability for educational institutions in B.C. These actions aim to ensure that institutions provide a high-caliber education and robust support systems necessary for students to thrive and build successful lives in B.C. These stringent requirements will also serve to prevent institutions from taking advantage of international students, and any private institutions failing to meet provincial standards for quality education will no longer be permitted to host international students.

Key changes include:

– Halting the expansion of institutions offering international education: The Province will suspend approvals for two years, until February 2026, for new post-secondary institutions seeking to enroll international students.

– Strengthened compliance and enforcement: The Province will conduct more frequent inspections of private post-secondary institutions to ensure adherence to new and enhanced quality standards and adequate student support.

– Elevated standards for private degree programs: To guarantee a high-quality education, private degree programs must meet stricter approval criteria, including rigorous assessment of degree quality, demonstrated labor market demand for graduates, adequate resources, and student support services.

– Introduction of new language requirements for private institutions: The Province will establish minimum language proficiency requirements at private training institutions to better prepare new international students for their academic and professional pursuits in B.C.

– Transparency in tuition fees: Public post-secondary institutions will be mandated to disclose tuition rates for the entire duration of a student’s program, ensuring prospective students are fully aware of the total costs of their education before commencing their studies.

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