Charisma University: A Place where Education is Worth Pursuing
Charisma University

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.” – Alexandra K. Trenfor

The above quote truly justifies the type of education much needed for today’s generation. As the educational system is developing at a faster pace, we need educators who can cater to the students’ needs in this ever-changing world. Hence, we at the Knowledge Review have found an institution where teachers continuously strive to bestow their students with an education that will not only help them prepare for today’s challenges but also mold them into individuals who can make their dreams come true. Allow us to introduce you to Charisma University, an exceptional institution nestled in the province of Turks and Caicos Islands on a mission to make educational excellence accessible and affordable worldwide. 

Notable Accreditations 

Dr. PeterChris Okpala founded Charisma University in March 2011, a non-profit private higher institution. It is recognized by the Turks and Caicos Islands Ministry of Education as a degree-granting institution for Associate’s degree, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, and the Doctorate along with Certificate programs both online and on-campus.

With an ultra-modern infrastructure, Charisma University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). ACBSP accredits business, accounting, and business-related programs at the associate, baccalaureate master, and doctorate degree levels worldwide. The ACBSP is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) exhibiting the quality of Charisma University’s Education.

Why Charisma?

The university’s name, Charisma University, takes root in the word “charisma” (n; Theol- By the American Heritage College Dictionary, Third Edition (1993)). It means an extraordinary power, such as the ability to work miracles, granted by the Holy Spirit.

The University believes that an aspiring individual that comes to Charisma University receives an ‘extraordinary power’ to learn and to develop one’s self in cooperation with the Creator. It strongly emphasizes on the Proverb, ‘ A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.’ Thus representing the type of education it imparts to its students. 

Pillars Holding it Together

In the delivery of all educational opportunities, Charisma University affirms the following values:

  • Diversity and Inclusion: It embraces the diversity of all individuals, ideas, beliefs, and cultures. Charisma University respects the dignity of all persons, the rights and property of others, and the right of all people to hold and express disparate beliefs.
  • Quality: Charisma University strives to deliver education according to world-class standards. The university is committed to an uncompromising standard of excellence in teaching, learning, creativity, and scholarship. It claims to pursue excellence in all operations and strive to produce the highest quality outcomes in all endeavors.
  • Integrity: The university strives to build a community of learning and fairness marked by mutual respect. It upholds the principles of honesty, trust, equality, and accountability and ensures that these values are translated into action. Believing integrity is multi-dimensional, Charisma University is upheld by students, faculty members, administrators, partners, and staff.
  • Collaboration: Charisma University believes that goals and objectives are best attained when stakeholders work with a shared purpose. It models collaboration throughout its teaching and services as part of the international community. The university seeks opportunities to build partnerships, welcome invitations for collaboration and engage with external organizations.
  • Innovation: To fulfill its mission Charisma University pursues bold challenges and inculcates the value of innovation among its stakeholders. It does this not only in the form of the most effective technological resources that enhances the delivery of educational content but also with the effective use of pedagogical approaches and instructional strategies.

Curriculum Designed for Today’s Generation

Believing educational access is a fundamental human right, Charisma University provides affordable higher education services and resources around the world to students where barriers to learning may exist.

Charisma University claims to be student-centered in its approach to learning. It promotes active learning rather than direct instruction. It offers 100% online courses under the tutelage of professors. These faculties ensure that learners gain professional competence by solving problems, addressing queries, formulating questions, debating ideas, and collaborating with teams. Each course of Charisma University lasts for 8 weeks. Assignments, examinations, and quizzes (graded electronically) are due by the last day of each week.

Charisma University has developed an academic center that provides students with guidelines on how to achieve the writing level expected of their course level. Each week, students participate in a discussion board activity consisting of one or more thread/ topics. Each topic is designed to allow students to apply the concepts they have learned in the chapter to a real-world business scenario or hypothetical, but realistic situations.

Professors support the students throughout this 8-week course, completing grading and commenting on students’ assignments, and discussion board participation within 5 days after the due dates. Students are encouraged to check their grades with their professors’ comments at that time. Grades with professors’ comments can only be accessed in the online classroom.

Apart from the curriculum to help students explore their hidden talents, Charisma University holds Gala night following every commencement ceremony each year. It brings all staff, faculty, students, and alumni together where all these stakeholders receive awards for their various accomplishments.

Future Endeavors

Charisma University plans to provide On-campus programs from summer 2020. In its pursuit to deliver quality education worth the time and money, it desire to be the premier center for international students and faculty. It aims to help these stakeholders to gather online, share information, build a community of lifelong learners, engage in useful scholarship, and improve their lives and communities for years to come.
