Dr. Dhananjay Patil M.A.,Phil., PH.D( PUNE ) S.V.K.M's Institute of Technology, Dhule, Maharashtra -The Knowledge Review

Dr. Dhananjay Patil, M.A., M. Phil., Ph.D. (Pune)

S.V.K.M’s Institute of Technology, Dhule, Maharashtra, India.

Choosing the perfect school to earn your Graduate degree is never easy. It is going to be a huge investment of time, money as well as energy; you want to be sure that your chosen program is ideal for you. It is very important to know the real facts to find the best graduate program for you. There are any number of considerations to make, and it’s important that you look at them all before deciding where to continue your education. It can be a daunting task if you are unclear about your requirements. Here are few key considerations that can help you find the education program that’s perfect for you.

The Program/ Curriculum

In my opinion, this is the most important pivotal factor to ponder. Choose the school that is notoriously known for the program you are considering. Not every graduate program in education will feature the same curriculum, so it’s important that you acquaint yourself with the curricula at each of the schools you are interested in. Whatever your focus, be sure your graduate program offers everything you want. Graduate programs can vary widely by institution. Even if some programs have a similar name, the course of study might have a completely different curriculum. Focus on career goals and choose a program that will help to shape your future.


Find out if the school or program is accredited or not. Even though accreditation does not guarantee quality of education, it will help you in the future as most employers give little importance to unaccredited institutions.

In the age of technology, many schools are providing online degrees. Also, there has been a outpouring of online universities. Many of these universities have no accreditation and no credible value to employers. While online degrees are convenient, make sure you’re receiving one from an accredited university.

Research Faculty

This should be one of the important criteria in your graduate program search. Your graduate program will be as good as the faculty members who teach there. You must fully investigate the faculty interests and research areas of each program. You need to check the reputation of lecturers or other faculty members before registering.  While much of a graduate program’s work is independent, you still will need to find a program with members that you can build amicable

relationships. It is extremely difficult and it is extremely unpleasant to work with someone who does not have an interest in your work.


This is a sort of a catch-all category. How are the facilities and labs? We used to talk mainly about library resources here (number of volumes, periodicals, e- resources, etc. in your field), but resources really means just about anything that supports the graduate program, including endowments and foundations that support student research and publications.

Consider the cost

Do the math, before you make your decision, you should look into what a graduate program offers in terms of financial support. There are some graduate programs that offer financial assistance that will definitely help your cause, find out if your school offers any such assistance. Tuition cost or course fees are not the only factors worth considering. You also need to estimate how much you are going to spend on books and other supplies. The more financial help you receive in scholarships or grants, the less money you have to spend. Don’t be afraid to negotiate with your top schools; if a school really wants you in their program, they will find additional resources for you.

Campus Culture

This is a big one. Campus culture means more than just festivities and fun. It also affects to the ideologies that are rooted into a school. Whether it be social or political, choose a school that fits your views if you are liberal, moderate or conservative. Most do not consider this, but do you want to attend a university where you are uncomfortable? Where you do not fit into the atmosphere?


Last  but  not  least,  does  the  school help  you  find  employment,  research  programs  (further education), and internships/placements during graduate studies?

Spending two or more years in intensive study can be exciting and rewarding. Consider these criteria before selecting a graduate program. Other important factors you need to consider are reputation of the school, admission requirements, ranking, flexibility of time and location. Take the time for investigation and make the best choice you can.
