Children’s Storybook about Cyber Security, Released for First Time in History

Cyber Security

A brand-new illustrated children’s book that teaches kids ages 4 to 7 about cyber security and how to safeguard their personal data online is being released.

With the help of “three random words,” young learners can create passwords and passcodes to help them explore, play, and communicate with digital technologies while also protecting their online information. Education Scotland and the Scottish Government have launched Bongles and The Crafty Crows.

The book, which chronicles the adventures of Big Bubba, the Twins, Brainy, and Pet Robot, is accompanied by a variety of educational activities and materials and is intended to provide educators, parents, and caregivers with a visually appealing tool for teaching critical cyber resiliency skills.

At a special occasion on Monday, October 30, at Abertay University, Scotland’s multimillion-pound cyber security research and development center, the book was presented to children and teachers.

In November 2023, ahead of Scottish Book Week, all First Grade students in Scotland will now receive a copy of The Bongles and The Crafty Crows in their Book Bug Bag. Gaelic language editions will be delivered to schools that provide those books.

A recent survey published by Ofcom1 states that 97% of children in the UK have access to the internet, with 86% of children aged 5-7 utilizing tablet devices to access the internet.

The new book is expected to offer parents and caregivers a wealth of advice on how to discuss with their kids the need of safeguarding their private information online.
