Christchurch School: Imparting Education While Creating a Vibrant Community

Christchurch School
Christchurch School

Education is the cornerstone of every functional society. It builds character and adds virtue in individuals while contributing to their overall self-development. Quality education is what drives the young minds towards something which can only be attained in a progressive environment. The atmosphere should cultivate learning in a fun and comprehensive manner. Enabling a safe and progressive learning atmosphere has become of paramount importance nowadays. The dynamics of the working environment and the increasing competition is re-defining the paradigm of how a functional society in a particular demographic is fairing. The world is growing at a rapid pace. Not just in the populace, but its expansion is exceeding the limits of imagination through technological advancements beyond expectation. To keep up with this rapid growth, the next generation needs to be apt and foremostly, become responsible citizens brimming with humanity.

Christchurch School is providing an experience that is not just personal for its students, but also imbibes the idea of community. The school enables an environment that is not just focused on academics but also cares very much about building relationships. It actively and lively encourages the students to think deeply so as to absorb all of the experiences that the school is providing which can potentially change their lives.

Leading Benevolently

Since its inception in 1921, the Christchurch school combines over 100 years of tradition, community, and relationships with a dynamic and innovative approach towards learning. The school is transforming the way a child can fare in this rapidly changing world by preparing them for the future. Christchurch has been inspiring and guiding students towards self-confidence, purpose, and identity considering each and everyone’s uniqueness as a learner. At the school, the students get a chance to discover their infinite value and develop skills to become compassionate, successful, and active global citizens. All of this is enabled in a caring and structured community.

The school is located on 125 acres of beautiful waterfronts. It is a co-ed boarding and day school serving grades 9-12. 70% of the students are boarders and 30% are day attenders. The average class size is 13 and the existing enrolment of students in the school is around 211 with 6:1 student to teacher ratio. 28% of the student body of Christchurch are international students as the students come from 14 different countries and 15 states locally.

John E. Byers, fondly known as JEB is the Head of School. He is the longest-serving head in the school’s history (almost 19 years). JEB has contributed greatly to the identity and direction of Christchurch. Some examples of his contributions include: adopting innovative and integrated Great Journey’s Begin at the River curriculum, currently prevailing in the school and also its transformation into a co-ed institute. “JEB has helped in leading us through three major capital campaigns,” says the staff of Christchurch.

Distinct Academics & Activities

Following are the various academic programs that the school has:

  • Computer Science – Students develop and express problem solutions through algorithms using critical thinking, collaboration, production/implementation, and historical/ethical analysis.
  • Humanities – Students study English, History, Social Sciences and Theology in a contextually integrated way that takes advantage of the many intersections between these different disciplines.
  • ESL (English as a Second Language) – The ESL program elevates students to a level of proficiency within the Common European Framework (CEFR) in three dimensions: language activities, the domains in which they occur, and the competencies drawn by the school while engaging them.
  • Foreign Language – Students satisfy their graduation requirements in a foreign language through the successful completion of two years in the same language. Christchurch offers Spanish and Chinese languages for its students.
  • Learning Skills Program (LSP) – LSP supports the success of nontraditional learners and allows them to thrive in a hands-on learning environment focused on skill acquisition. LSP takes a holistic approach to support students with learning differences and those with diagnosed learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), anxiety, executive function weaknesses, processing speed and working memory deficits, Dyslexia, and a range of other learning differences.
  • Mathematics – Students study to become more confident in abstract thinking and analysis, number sense and spatial Math, so that they may have pride in the process required to gain these skills. There is a particular emphasis on the ability to prove and demonstrate, ‘real world’ applications of Math, a feel for numbers and relativity, patterns/art/abstraction, special Math and thinking, knowing v. memorization, and the true role of technology.
  • Science – Within an integrated Science Department, students are introduced to the basic concepts of the physical and biological sciences. The Department utilizes a differentiated program that includes problem-based instruction, hands-on laboratory activities, class discussions, group activities, and lectures.
  • Visual & Performing Arts –This program includes comprehensive courses in applied art, design, musical history & culture, performance, theatre history, and acting. Opportunities for performance and regular gallery openings nurture and encourage the student to consider their perspectives and their opinions as expressed through various mediums.

One special school program that inculcates values in the students and celebrates diversity is the Unity Council. This is a diverse body of students and staff supporters that focuses on celebrating and supporting all members of the Christchurch community regardless of race, sex, creed, color, sexual orientation, or gender identity.  Each year the Unity Council sponsors Ally Week, a time dedicated to demonstrating methods for community members to support different minority groups that are part of the larger community, as well as serving as their own ‘Ally.’

The Council sponsors open forum conversations for our entire community to discuss issues and concerns that may cause division in the larger society such as race, rights, religion, etc,” shares JEB.

One Step Forward

Christchurch School is committed to addressing the financial need of its students and maintains a $2.5 million aid budget for this purpose. Families in need of financial aid are encouraged to apply as soon as possible for this finite resource. The administration of financial aid is based on the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) – Principles of Good Practice. 100% of graduates from Christchurch are admitted to four-year colleges and universities, 90% of which are accepted on Princeton Review’s Top School list. Frequent ‘Career Nights’ are hosted by the school for current students, where students get to meet successful alumni and talk about careers.

Our graduates go on to a variety of professions including, but not limited to, pilots, physicians, lawyers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, Pulitzer Prize-winning authors, and Nobel Laureate scientists,” explains JEB.

Christchurch is going to celebrate its Centennial by hosting a large celebration on its campus for all the students, faculty, alumni, and parents/parents-of-alumni, and friends of the school from 2nd to 4th October 2020.
