Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith: Crafting a Student-Centric Education to Ignite Young Minds

Dr Fiona
Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith

Education nurtures a society’s social, economic, and cultural prosperity, along with increasing engagement and raising living standards. Educational leaders make this process creative, engaging, and enjoyable for the learners because they understand that the primary objectives of education are to enlighten minds and impart knowledge. These administrators have tremendous power that helps in creating a supportive school climate.

Education leaders encourage installing a shared vision that promotes friendship and expectations. The most efficient curriculum design offers a student-centric education and builds strong bonds between teachers and students. They act as mentors, assisting students in discovering who they are and accomplishing their objectives in life. They support students’ overall growth and development.

All these qualities are filled in abundance in Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith. She is an accomplished academic, leader, and teacher who is passionate about assisting those who work with children and youth. She works closely with educational institutions, trusts, EdTech businesses, and professional learning providers as Director of One Life Learning and Founder of PedTech.

Dr Fiona also serves on the boards of numerous multi-academy and charitable trusts in addition to her roles as associate lecturer and consultant researcher at The Open University. The highly regarded and best-selling book “From EdTech to PedTech: Changing the Way We Think about Digital Technology” is co-authored by this extraordinary talent.

She usually contributes to publications and events related to instructional design, education, and educational technology. She has received fellowships from the Higher Education Association, NAACE, the Royal Society of Arts, and the Chartered College of Teaching in appreciation of her work in education. She received the Freedom of the Worshipful Company of Educators, City of London, after being listed as one of the 50 most influential people in education by Education Business in 2022 and 2023. She is an efficient leader and an inspiration to other educational leaders and young women aspiring to join the dynamic academic sphere.

Innovative Vision and Mission

Educational leaders should have a mission and vision as this helps them to provide young students with an excellent education and allows them to express their ideas and plans for advancing education.

Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith has established a reputation for three things based on her experience and knowledge as an academic researcher, international education consultant, school leader, and teacher. First and foremost, she is a dynamic, energetic person who is sincerely committed to enhancing the lives and learning of educators and children.

Second, she advocates for a contemporary evolution of the educational system and is sincere about improving education through pedagogy-first approaches. Third, her forensic process to research evidence entails thoroughly investigating the numerous factors influencing classroom activities and students’ basic understanding of education.

Dr. Fiona has led sizable and diverse teams while holding executive positions at tech companies and educational institutions. As one of the top thought leaders in the field, she is now frequently cited and will be discussed on the legacy stage of the World Education Summit.

Establishing Quality Education for All

Primary objectives and goals enable a person to sketch out their dream and motivate them to accomplish it. According to Dr Fiona, every child should have access to the best education possible. She wants to see every child receive support in their education that is meaningful, individualised, current, aspirational, and suitable for them as a unique human being. The most successful schools have already experienced this, though not every student in every school is experiencing it now.

Her professional aims and intention derive from her fundamental conviction that everyone involved in the educational system, from administrators to teachers, has a role to play in ensuring that every child has access to and benefits from an ambitious and fulfilling education.

Tackle the Challenges

The dynamic field of education has many challenges and requires continuous and consistent brainstorming to provide quality education to young minds. According to Dr. Fiona, a unique irony of education is how little time educators devote to investigating or discussing the fundamental goals of education. Pedagogy comprises four domains used daily by people who work in schools: schooling, knowledge, teaching, and learning. Research data shows that varying perspectives and presumptions about what those terms mean exist at the boundaries of education. Teaching staff, students, and educational institutions that are effective take the time to reflect on their actions and their motivations.

She believes that raising that degree of professional and personal understanding is the sector’s collective challenge to maximise the effectiveness of every classroom and learning opportunity. Her entire body of work is devoted to pursuing this same goal.

Applications of Technology

Technology improves the quality of education by equipping students with the necessary skills; it allows for effective and enjoyable learning. As per Dr Fiona, pedagogical digital technology can change a person’s life trajectory and transform education. According to her, this is only possible when the emphasis is on the students and the educational process, and technology is used to support the learners’ needs by providing on-demand assistance and support at the learning point or making practices inclusive and accessible. Learning and learners are observed to be impacted when learners and knowledge are the centre of attention.

In her co-authored book, “From EdTech to PedTech: Changing the Way We Think about Digital Technology,” with Peter Twining, she explains what the research says about the appropriate use of digital technology and how to apply those insights to enhance learning efficacy. They are thrilled that the book has become so well-known worldwide; it simply shows that a new strategy that puts learners and learning first is needed.

A Visionary Leader

With her singular vision and tireless dedication to progress, Dr Fiona has brought about a wave of transformation in the educational field. She has a broad range of experiences because of the nature of her work. She might be working with a group of kids on the floor of a classroom one day, then teaching a group of school administrators the next, talking about product development with edtech vendors the next, and doing scholarly research the following day.

She advocates for a clear purpose or “why” behind an action, proof of impact, or “what difference does this make?” The two are inextricably linked but frequently overlooked because busy professionals are more likely to concentrate on “what” and “how” they work. Her message, which is about impact and purpose, is not novel or unique but is crucial.

Several organisations in various forms of public recognition have generously supported her work. Raising the visibility of important messages has been incredibly beneficial in enabling more leaders to help more students.

Inspirations and Principles

Dr. Fiona has collaborated with thousands of educators, researchers, and school administrators in the UK and abroad over the last 20 years, working with hundreds of schools. She says that every person has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Any choice or action a leader takes should be motivated by principles and goals that emphasise helping students learn, either directly or indirectly. In hectic organisations, learners may find themselves at the bottom of the priority list as other stakeholders compete for their attention. She says that’s something that educators and educationists should be mindful of. They must always maintain learners and learning as the primary focus.

Inviting a Wave of Transformation

Dr Fiona conducted several research interviews during the pandemic as kids got ready to return to school after an extended homeschooling period. “I don’t want to go back to school because my teacher prevents me from learning,” a child said.

They said they felt empowered and agentive in their learning while learning remotely because they had the freedom to decide when and how to finish their assignments. They did not want to go back to rigorously scheduled classes, where they would sit in rows, wait to be told what to do and when, and listen to the teacher talk for most of the day. These days, education doesn’t have to be like that. This scenario reaffirmed Dr Fiona’s commitment to transforming the education landscape.

Insights to Make a Difference

Dr Fiona shares her insights based on her years of experience and expertise. Every interaction and encounter, in her opinion, has the potential to impart new knowledge or open people’s eyes. She suggests keeping an open mind and learning from everyone you encounter at all times. Keep an open mind and adapt the concepts as new information comes to light.  It’s crucial always to have many questions, lead by example in lifelong learning, and include others in the journey.
