Enhancing development by implementing Co-curricular activities

Co-curricular activities

While talking about Universities—the first thing that emerges in our mind is—a learning home for the students focusing mostly on academics related issues, but it is to be noted that only an academic learning might cause incomplete education. Here, co-curricular comes into the plays, as it facilitates the development of various domains of mind and personality such as intellectual, emotional, social, and aesthetic development. These Activities are subjected to various amenities related to academic as well as non-academic.

These Co-Curricular activities refer to the learning experiences which are quiet influenced by the academics; this prefers in ‘fun-learning’ ways to gain knowledge apart from the on-going syllabus perspective. Meanwhile, there is another category which is totally unrelated to academics and commonly known as extra-curricular activities. This develops skills of a student in different fields which will help to grow and enrich, in order to tackle the real-life challenges offered by the world.

Co-Curricular vs. Extra-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities—these types of activities are anyhow relatable to the academic, where, universities take part in order to beneficiate the students academically through fun activities. Considering the features, the academic lesson strengthens when similar activity is performed, and also certain persona like character building and mental growth is attained. Astonishingly activities like narrating, singing, recitation and acting activities are involved in this category too.

Considerably Prime activities are:

Co-curricular activities do include interesting events like debate and group discussion, workshops, seminar, conference presentation, social interactions, dramatics, forum events, art groups, and also library work.

Extra-curricular activities—these types of activities are mostly irrelevant to academic section, but still, it has some glimpse of educational influence. It’s more likely similar to the co-curricular but generally includes outdoor and fun activities. These activities are generally organized for the development of the cultural and social development of students.  It also includes activities which involves aesthetics and cultural, civic, physical development, and social welfare development.

Here are some foremost activities:

Activities organized under extra-curricular mostly are related to sports and games, social activities as well as arts. If considered social activities mainly includes mass drills, parade, scouting, blood donation camps, social survey, whereas, art activities could be art exhibitions, music, drama, cultural programs and technical/non-technical fests.

How it Creates Impact on Students’ Life

Considering co-curricular activities at first, the prominent activities like playing, acting, singing, recitation and narrating are stimulated more due to the involvement of out-class events. Focusing on regular core studies is important but, a student should get involved and participate in various activities to acquire more knowledge outside of texts. Whereas such activities offer no grades or academic credit yet they provide a better understanding of the supplementary and complementary education for students. The most crucial entity a student ever needs is ‘soft skills’, it plays a vital role in the career of students as well as during college tenure. A soft skill includes writing, confidence building, anchoring, presentation, vocabulary, debating and other communication-related activities. It also helps students in increasing their coordination skills and uplifts the free expression of students. There are some common educational opportunities that might be considered as co-curricular, they are, student newspaper, musical newspapers, mock trials, mathematics competition, art shows, robotics and engineering teams and contests. Now, a matter of fact is that how?  Co-curricular is going to involve educational context for the betterment of the students as well as society.

Benefiting Socially

These co-curricular activities create avenues where people gather thereby helps students in getting socialized enhancing self-identification, self-assessment and social awareness skills. Also, it productively makes one responsible towards family and society.

Gaining management skills

Management skills are imminent for one’s growth; these activities to develop the capacity of events organizing as well as helps a student for developing leadership qualities as an asset. It also boosts decision-making ability and team-work comprehension.

General basis knowledge

This includes activities like field trips, excursion and tours which helps to get enlightened about the other societies, and their work, customs and culture. This increases social awareness and will make diverse perspective more understandable.

Role of Universities in Organizing Such Activities

The most important thing in organizing co-curricular activities is the total support from Universities/Colleges; they should encourage and appreciate the efforts carried out during such activities organized or performed by students. As per variation in activities, a good planer should be provided to the different committees and forums so that the activities could be carried out systematically throughout the year.

On the other hand, teachers should also intentionally take part and should perform multi-dimensional functions in executing co-curricular as well as extra-curricular activities. The Universities can support students by leading, innovating, organizing, and advising students.

Co-curricular Activities Portrays a Good Curriculum Vitae

To increase the positive impact on the interviewer, a remarkable CV plays a crucial role. Co-curricular activities in CV do give out a good impression; activities in sports, drama, volunteering in various fundraising events, job-specific activities—coding, copyright, ability to take criticism, writing, creativity, IT  & other technical skills.

As co-curricular activities plays pivotal role in student life, so it does in corporate life. In corporate world, work pressure is quite common phenomena, to reduce such hassles employees need to be motivated and inspired from time to time. Thus, consolidating co-curricular as well as extra-curricular activities will not only mind-boost the employees but will also promote the open-culture in enterprises. This will provide a better growth to the company as well as to the personnel.
