Everything You Need to Know about Cardiac Arrest

cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest is undoubtedly one of the most complicated heart conditions. When you get a cardiac arrest, your heart will stop beating. This condition is also known as sudden cardiac arrest.

The electrical impulses of your body are responsible for controlling the heartbeat. When the pattern of these impulses starts changing, your heartbeat will become irregular. This condition is also known as arrhythmias. Some specific arrhythmias are rapid, and others are slow. When your heartbeat stops, you will get a cardiac arrest.

Cardiac arrest is undoubtedly a serious health condition. More than 1 million people in Canada suffer from cardiac arrest every year. This condition can cause disability and, in the worst case, death. If you or someone is suffering from cardiac arrest, make sure you consider emergency health assistance. Immediate treatment for this condition can save a life.

The Causes of Cardiac Arrest 

Numerous factors can cause cardiac arrest. The two most common causes of cardiac arrest are:

Ventricular Fibrillation 

Your heart consists of four chambers. The lower two chambers are situated in the ventricles. In ventricular fibrillation, sometimes, these chambers shake vigorously. This will affect the rhythms of the heart and they will also go through dramatic changes. The ventricles will start pumping improperly, which will severely reduce the blood pump in the body. In some specific cases, blood circulation will stop completely. This situation might cause sudden cardiac arrest. Ventricular fibrillation is the most common cause of cardiac arrest. Make sure you find what you need in Canada to save a life in the event of a cardiac arrest.

Atrial Fibrillation 

If your heart suffers from arrhythmia in the upper chambers, it might also stop beating. These chambers are called atria.

Atrial fibrillation starts when the SA node of your heart fails to send proper electrical impulses. The SA node is situated on the right side of the atrium. It regulates the efficiency of the heart in pumping blood. When the electrical impulses fail to go to the atrial fibrillation, the heart won’t be able to pump blood.

Here are some specific health conditions, as well as heart conditions, that can enhance your risk of suffering from cardiac arrest.

Coronary Heart Disease 

This specific type of heart disease starts in the coronary arteries of the body. These arteries are responsible for supplying the heart muscles. Therefore, your heart will fail to receive a sufficient amount of blood when the arteries are blocked. This muscle might also become more vulnerable to damage. As per Healthline, chest pain is the most common sign of coronary artery disease.

Large Heart 

If you have an abnormally large heart, you’re more prone to suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. This is because, unlike normal hearts, large hearts cannot beat and function properly.

Irregular Heart Valves 

Valve disease is capable of making the heart valves narrower or leaky. This means that the blood circulating through the heart either fails to fill the capacity or overloads the chamber. As a result, the chambers become enlarged and weakened.

Congenital Heart Disease

Some people have heart problems from their birth. This condition is known as congenital heart disease. Children who have serious heart conditions from their birth are prone to sudden cardiac arrest.


This is everything you need to know about cardiac arrest. Make sure you contact us if you have any queries.  
