Expansion of IITs in the UK, Gulf Countries, and Egypt

Expansion of IITs in the UK, Gulf Countries, and Egypt

The centre has set up a committee for the IIT’s global expansion, with the consultation of Indian missions abroad, in which they identified prospective locations like the UK, UAE, Egypt, Malaysia, Qatar, Thailand, and Saudi Arabia for offshore campuses under the brand name ‘Indian International Institute of Technology.

According to the submitted report to the Ministry of Education, all these seven countries have been ranked highly on several vital parameters. IIT Council standing chairperson Dr K Radhakrishnan led the committee of 17- members.

The parameter on which the countries have been selected includes the academic lineage, conducive ecosystem, level of interest and commitment that helps to attract professional faculty and students, regulatory provisions and potential benefits to enrich the branding and relation of India.

The report prepares based on the feedback from heads of the26 Indian missions; with the help of the Economic Diplomacy section of the Ministry of External Affairs, we are arranging two virtual sessions between the committee and embassy officials on 2nd February and 28th March.
