Facility Repair Proposal Approved by Marietta Board of Education

Citation: Image used for information purpose only. Picture Credit:https://www.mariettatimes.com/

During Monday night’s board meeting, Frank Antill, the chief financial officer of Marietta Local Schools, left, gave the Marietta Schools Board of Education choices for how to use money for building maintenance.

During its board meeting on Monday night, the Marietta City Schools Board of Education adopted a plan to repair the buildings.

Frank Antill, the chief fiscal officer of Marietta City Schools, gave the board two resolutions regarding the use of money designated for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER).

“We kind of set aside around $1.5 million from our ESSER funding to maybe build a stadium outside the high school. We made the decision to stop doing that in December, according to Antill.

He stated that the district needs to use the remaining $1.3 million to $1.5 million by December 31.

According to Antill, estimates for the two alternative uses of the cash were developed in collaboration with Pickering Associates.

Roofs and restrooms would be involved in the first choice. The district facility at 111 Academy Drive would need to have its roof replaced, which would run about $450,000.

According to Antill, it would also include a new roof for the bus garage, which would cost about $125,000; two additional roofs covering overhangs and walkways at the school and the IT building, which would cost about $120,000; and a roof for Putnam School, a district alternative school, which would cost about $200,000.

A construction manager would have to pay between $75,000 and $80,000 to supervise everything. Under the first option, the remaining funds would be used to upgrade the restrooms.

Antill stated that even though he collaborated with Pickering Associates on the projected expenses, the district will still need to issue a request for proposals for the toilet and roof repairs.

There would be roughly $300,000 left over from the ESSER monies if the board decides to fix the roofs. Antill believes the district should utilize this money to improve the restrooms.

Replacing the HVAC systems in the gyms at Marietta Elementary School, Washington Elementary School, and Phillips Elementary School was Antill’s second suggestion to the board.
