Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada: Nurturing Budding Aspirations of Medical Sciences Education

Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University | the education magazine

“We carry out education, research and community service as well as preservation and development of knowledge that is excellent and useful for society”

Medical education has changed greatly in the last few decades and awareness has been drawn to integrated teaching, problem-based learning, and new methods of assessment. There is also an importance on student-centred learning. Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK-KMK UGM) is one such school which has been prominent in identifying the recent developments in the field of Medical science. Located in a campus with tropical climate, nice atmosphere and provided with various facilities that support education, research and community service.

Established on March 5th 1946, the faculty has grown and developed rapidly over the years. FK-KMK UGM has positioned itself to become a leading university in Indonesia and Asia. Thousands of alumni have graduated and coloring the health sector in Indonesia and all over the world.

Inception Story

Officially established on December 19, 1949 as a national university, Universitas Gadjah Mada is considered as one of the oldest university in Indonesia, located at the Bulaksumur Yogyakarta Campus. The institute serves as a pillar of education awakening in Indonesia and purports to be a defender and disseminator of Pancasila. The institute had 6 faculties when it was founded now it has reached to 18, one Postgraduate School (S-2 and S-3), and one Vocational School. Most of the faculties in the Universitas Gadjah Mada consist of several departments and study programs. The academic activities of Universitas Gadjah Mada are expressed in the form of the cornerstones of Tri Dharma higher educational values consisting of Education and Teaching, Research, and Community Service.

Torchbearer of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, is the Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada has been inaugurated as professor. She is the first to be inaugurated as a professor in medical education in the country. She has done her M.Med.Ed. SpOG(K)., Ph.D, and has gone a long way in fighting for the medical education sciences in Indonesia.

“Formerly, medical education did not receive much attention. Now, with this professorship being granted, the career of an educator in medical sciences has seen a bright future,” Despite the recognition, a number of challenges still remain, including on how to generate qualified doctor graduates as there are still concerns over the quality of some doctors. “Currently, there are 83 medical faculties throughout Indonesia, with 31 at state universities. The diverse qualities of graduates pose some risk as this relates to public health,” So, in her remarks following the professorship entitled Medical Education: Development and Challenge, Ova Emilia asked all medical academics and practitioners, including the Health Ministry, to join hands improving medical education quality for the betterment of Indonesia.

“Life-long learning is an uncompromising contract when someone chooses the doctor profession. Meanwhile, life-long innovation in medical education is a must along with the changes in health service systems. Qualified human resource is produced by qualified medical education. Eventually, this will produce excellent services,” says Ova Emilia.

The Extra-Edge of Excellence

The Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM has 3 undergraduate study, 6 postgraduate study programs, 1 doctoral study program, 20 specialist program, and 9 study centers for teaching and learning. One of the undergraduate study programs is School of Medicine, which has a vision to be an excellent national medical education program that is innovative, globally standardized, etc.

International Class on School of Medicine

Since its inception FMPHN UGM has grown and developed rapidly over the years. School of Medicine, one of the undergraduate programs of the college, has tailored a new curriculum with a purpose to instill in its students the below-mentioned characteristics:

  • Noble Professionalism;
  • Self Awareness and Personal Development;
  • Effective Communication;
  • Information Management;
  • Basic Medical Sciences;
  • Clinical Skills;
  • Health Problem Management

Master Program in Medical Education 

Medical and health professions education is currently developing and rising vastly in Indonesia and around the globe. FMPHN UGM , a pioneer in medical and health professions education in Indonesia, anticipates these demands by establishing an international collaboration with the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) Institute Philadelphia, United States . FAIMER Institute and UGM have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish FAIMER Regional Institute of Indonesia For Educational Development and Leadership (FRIENDSHIP) that will be coordinated by FMPHN UGM.

In this program the FRIENDSHIP fellows learn more about project management and evaluation, educational leadership and development, and educational research/scholarship. FRIENDSHIP program will be conducted in 2 years using blended-learning model, to incorporate 6 milestones:

  • Pre-institute session and introduction (online learning)
  • FRIENDSHIP Residential Year 1 (face-to-face, 6-7 days)
  • FRIENDSHIP Distance Learning Year 1 (online learning, 11 months)
  • FRIENDSHIP Residential Year 2 (face-to-face, 7-8 days)
  • FRIENDSHIP Distance Learning Year 2 (online learning, 11 months)
  • Graduation and convocation as FRIENDSHIP FAIMER Fellows

Master of Public Health

This course offered by FMPHN UGM focuses on Implementation research, tropical diseases and scientific writing. Being a growing field, Implementation research, supports the identification of health system bottlenecks and approaches to address them, and is particularly useful in low- and middle- income countries where many health interventions do not reach those who need them the most. The goal of this scheme is to enhance postgraduate training capacity and boost the number of researchers in low and middle- income countries.

This two years international master program was introduced in 2014 and taught in English. Prospective students from Asia and West Pacific Regions can apply for a scholarship from the WHO TDR. The curriculum is a combination of core curriculum of Public Health Sciences and Tropical Medicine. The core curriculum of Public Health Sciences is in accordance with the Guideline of the Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH). The curriculum for Implementation Research course is similar with the Implementation Research and Practice course offered by the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Master of Nursing

Among many of its tailor-made programs, FMPHN UGM also offers postgraduate nursing course in order to develop common health status in education, research, community service and service which are excellent, locally valued, ethical, professional, and evidence-based scholar. The course is conducted through lecture, seminar, discussion, field-trip, and clinical practice.

This programme has been graduated 292 students. Graduate are recruited in education and hospital in functional and managerial services. FMPHN UGM also has joint degree program with university of Tasmania, Australia. Students take courses at University of Tasmania during their first and second semester. Then they take the rest of semester at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Master of Nursing Program also conducts International field trip (students and staff exchange) in order to facilitate concentration courses to some partner universities abroad.

Master in Biomedical Science

The Master in Biomedical Science study program organizes post-graduate education to produce graduates who are able to educate biomedical science, conduct research with international reputation and based on local wisdom, and serve the community. The Program (MIB Study Program) develops translational researches through interdisciplinary approaches from basic to clinical science (translational researches from bench to bedside) in the study program to produce researches which can be used by society.

Doctoral Programs

Doctoral Program of Medical and Health Sciences is an educational program doctoral national, regional and international in the field of Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Public Health, Medical Education, Health Nutrition Science and Nursing to produce graduates who have the ability to solve problems in medicine and public health.

Types of Doctoral Courses

  • Regular
  • Joint supervision
  • Double Degree

Additional Wings of the College

  • Specialist in Radiology

The faculty is committed to produce radiologist who is excellent, innovative, and independent in accord with international standard and has role and serves society, nation and humanity. The faculty has 15 consultants and 2 specialists in main academic hospital and 7 specialists in affiliate and satellite academic hospital to support the program.

  • Specialist in Internal Medicine

The faculty is committed to improve internal medicine education quality according to national standard competence, research and community service. They ran approximately 37 research publications annually. One of their staff has a patent recognition. They also have done 8 community services annually. The faculty excels in interventive pulmonology, HIV service, herbal medicine, endoscopy and diabetic clinic.

  • Specialist in Ophthalmology

The faculty aimed for ophthalmologist who have good professional behaviour, have ophthalmology knowledge, have competence in ophthalmological service in individual and community basis and is globally competitive.

  • Specialist in Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery

The faculty is committed to produce otolaryngologist who is professional and global minded and prepared to work and compete in international and working in peripheral.

  • Specialist in Surgery

The faculty is committed to produce specialist in surgery who are religious, morally excellent and nationalist, medically ethical, patient-prioritizing, be able to solve emergency and elective surgical problem, self-development, recognize and solve community surgical problem and be able to communicate.

  • Specialist in Pediatric Surgery

The faculty is committed to nurture pediatricians who are pediatric specialists, master and be able to provide pediatric service and become agent of change.

  • Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology

The college also offers specialist programs for women health with academia competence, professional competence, morality and global view.

  • Specialist in Psychiatry

The college develops specialist in psychiatry who are qualified, reliable, excellent, high morality, and competitive in national and international on basis of national identities.

  • Specialist in Anatomical Pathology

The college nurtures anatomical pathology specialist who standardised internationally, are innovative and excellent, and contributed to common health advancement in national and international and molecular pathological research.

  • Specialist Forensic Medicine and Medico legal

The college committedly works to produce excellent and competent specialist in forensic and legal medicine who are also devoted to nation and humanity.

  • Specialist in Paediatric

The college fosters paediatrician who are professional in paediatric specialist and master and be able to provide paediatric service and become agent of change.

  • Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology

The college educates orthopaedics and traumatology specialist who are faithful, devoted, upright, virtuous, and Pancasilaist with medical ethics, patient prioritised, emergency and elective surgical problem solving, self-developing, and are able to identify and solve public surgical problem.

  • Specialist in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care

Faculty of Medicine has a tradition of producing professional and highly qualified anesthesiologists.  This program is supported by 15 consultant and 2 specialists in main academic hospital and 5 specialists in 5 affiliated and satellite academic hospitals. We held approximately 28 research publications and 9 community services annually.

  • Specialists in Neurology

The mission of this program is to produce neurologists who are competent in neurological diseases problems on clinical, community and laboratory approaches so that they can  solve neurological problems on evidence-based medicine, good professional behaviour and are globally competitive.

  • Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology

The university produces dermatologists who demonstrate  professionalism and responsibility  in medical practice on law and culture, achieve wide enough competences as professional basis on health services and personal development.

  • Specialist in Clinical Pathology

The college develops clinical pathology specialist education in comprehensive and efficient manner of education, research and community service in order to produce qualified, professional, competitive graduate in globalised world. It runs approximately 12 researches, 14 publications and 1 community service each year

  • Specialist in Cardiology and Vascular Medicine

The college produces cardiologists who have high academic and professional abilities on regional and international standards while upholding Indonesian medical ethics and provide qualified cardiovascular services.

  • Specialist in Urology

The college is committed to educate and produce specialist in urology who have a wide knowledge and are ready to develop. Upon graduation the students demonstrate competence and are skilful in urologic patient complete management without abandoning medical ethical code.

  • Specialist in Clinical Microbiology

The college nurtures clinical microbiologists who are experts and have a respected progression on science and technology.

  • Specialist in Neurosurgery

The college prepares neurosurgeons who are well versed in subjects like science and technology.
