Five Common Questions Parents Have About ICAS Assessments
ICAS Assessments

The ICAS or International Competitions and Assessments for Schools reward and recognize students for skills earned. This assessment program comprises a series of tests covering varied subjects like spelling, maths, science, English, writing, and digital technologies.

Considering the ICAS Assessments undergo annual updates and reviews by experienced teachers, they accurately assess your child’s understanding of relevant subjects. Students from over 20 countries annually appear for this assessment from their respective locations.

Preparation Counts

An ICAS Assessment is critical to tracking your child’s yearly academic achievement. Your eligible kid can perform better when they are familiar with the structure and purpose of this test. Considering the ICAS may be the first major examination your child appears for, preparation is vital.

Strengthening their foundation in writing, reading, language, and numeracy, plus developing time management skills, gives them an advantage. Practice tests give children the experience to perform under time pressure. Attempting the exam with a calm mind in a structured and timely manner proves rewarding.

Parental Questions about ICAS

As a parent, it is understandable to want answers to relevant questions about ICAS Assessments. Attempting here to throw light on five common queries:

Can I Enrol My Child for This Exam?

You cannot enrol your child directly for the ICAS exam as only school-based entries are entertained. There are no fees levied on a school to register for ICAS participation.

When is the Exam Conducted?

ICAS dates coincide with the school break and may vary each year. You may directly contact the authorities at your child’s school for the current assessment schedule and costs involved.

Where Does My Child Appear for An ICAS Assessment?

The ICAS exam is an online assessment consisting of multiple-choice questions only. Your child’s device must conform to the technical requirements this assessment lays out. If their school or test center cannot provide devices for all students, your child can appear on a personal device but not from home.

What Level of ICAS Should My Child Attempt?

Your child should attempt the paper created for the year they are currently at. Attempting one paper per subject equivalent to their year level is sufficient to make a fair assessment.

How Can I View My Child’s Results?

ICAS results are available online, plus certificates along with your child’s report are dispatched to the school. Using the TAP ID printed on your child’s report, you can access the secure and interactive online portal.

This ID is valid across all ICAS subject results. Besides the certificate and report generated, you as a parent are also eligible for a hard copy of the ranking earned.

Such performance information clarifies where your child is placed in comparison with all the students who appeared that year. The ranking is subject-wise, which conveys to you the areas your child excels at and those requiring improvement.

The ICAS style of assessment encourages your child to develop a more profound knowledge of the subject matter. By rewarding academic excellence, this exam motivates your kid to go beyond classroom thinking.

Refer to the powerful insights provided by a leading global assessment platform that does away with guesswork.

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