French University Bans Usage of ChatGPT Due to Plagiarism Concerns


Students at Sciences Po in France have been advised not to submit their academic projects using ChatGPT, an AI text generator released by OpenAI in November 2022.

Although the top-ranked university in France hasn’t yet disclosed how it would identify students using ChatGPT, it is determined to designate such use as plagiarism and fraud.

The university has already sent emails to faculty, staff, and students informing them that ChatGPT and all other AI-based tools are not permitted at Sciences Po. The email also warns students who use the software for schoolwork risk being expelled from Sciences Po and barred from attending any other French higher education institution.

The institution stated, “Students are prohibited from using the software for the production of any written work or presentations, without transparent referencing, except for particular course reasons, with the supervision of a course leader.

Other institutions around the world are also attempting to establish policies regarding the usage of ChatGPT, showing that Sciences Po is not the only institution that is worried about plagiarism and the dangers that could result from its use.

Some public schools in the United States have already outlawed it, and as a response, numerous institutions in this nation have announced plans to reduce the amount of homework students must do at home and increase the number of handwritten essays and oral exams they must take in university courses.

Some universities, on the other hand, are currently formulating restrictions on the usage of the tool by both students and professors, even if they do not have any intentions to ban it outright.
