Hong Kong, Singapore revise new solutions for students facing study abroad challenges
Study abroad

Hong Kong and Singapore universities are offering new programs to students who are admitted by Universities in other parts of the world but facing challenges due to coronavirus lockdowns, delays in visas and travel prohibitions.

The University of Hong Kong (HKU) revealed its HKU Presidential Ph.D. Scholarship for academically qualified candidates holding a Ph.D. admission offer for 2020-21from a top university in any continent.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUKH) revealed last month that its latest curriculum will give doctoral students special scholarships. ‘CUHK Vice-Chancellor Ph.D. Scholarship Scheme’ has now been developed in support of doctoral students who had to leave the opportunity to study abroad due to the pandemic or travel constraints in the various countries. The program accounts for HK$ 216,300 a year and a bonus for the excellent academic result at HK$ 80,000.

City University of Hong Kong has also revealed a Presidential Ph.D. scholarship scheme worth up to HK$1.56 million for a four-year doctoral program in STEM topics, in compliance with the conditions of the philanthropy donor, and is also available to all who have earned scholarships from the world’s best colleges but have either not acknowledged or denied the offer. Applicants are expected to have evidence of the admission offer by the top universities.

This week, Singapore’s Ministry of Education said that students whose plans to study abroad had been interrupted by the pandemic, can find alternative schemes with Singapore’s universities, with about 2000 additional places at undergraduate level available at the university for students who otherwise would have gone abroad.

The Ministry said that Singaporean students who already study at an overseas university and want to move to Singapore will be allowed to do so.
