How Can Online Teaching Jobs Aide Women Empowerment?

Women Empowerment
How Can Online Teaching Jobs Aide Women Empowerment?

Gender inequality, pay gaps, more preference for the male gender for higher positions in the workplace, biased opinions, etc., all are some common yet visible differences that a woman has to go through, highlighting the desperate need for change which is possible could you have woman empowerment. This gap between both genders is prevalent around the world, but in India, the level is vast.

At present, out of the entire country’s labour force, women only contribute 29%. In addition to that, half of the work completed by women in the corporate world in the country is unpaid, unprotected, or informal. Moreover, on a global level, the contribution of women towards the GDP is 37%, whereas, in India, it is a surprisingly low contribution of only 17%.

However, with the help of employment opportunities in terms of online teaching jobs for women, the spread of women empowerment is becoming better as the awareness about the population in the country is increasing. Here is how employment for women empowerment is helping the females of the country.

  • The first and the most important benefit of creating opportunities in the workforce for women is their independence. If more job openings are available and accessible to all the women in the country, including the city women, rural areas, and the villages, it will push females to become more independent, especially financially, which is key for women’s empowerment in the country.
  • The next opportunity of creating employment opportunities that attract more women is to strengthen the company team dynamics further, as women have an exceptional skill of keeping people together and drawing conclusive decisions while taking into consideration all different opinions and proposals on the table. This involvement in the decision-making process and pushing them to take more leadership roles will further enable women’s empowerment in the country.
  • The awareness around the importance of diversity and inclusion in the corporate culture is
    increasing day by day, and so employing an equal number of female and male employees within an organization will help deliver better innovation and productivity, which will lead to improved operational efficiency of the company. In addition to that, this will push females to fight for higher positions in a company’s hierarchical structure, pushing women’s empowerment forward.

Benefits of Online Teaching Jobs For Everyone

The increase in demand for teachers available for multiple online teaching jobs is increasing day by day, especially since the shift in the likeability of traditional classroom learning to online classes.

Now, to keep up with the rising demand, the opportunities available for women to participate and enrol in online teaching jobs are increasing, pushing them towards women’s empowerment which is necessary to reduce the gap in the country between the male and the female gender, especially in the corporate world. Here are some of the top benefits to women for joining online teaching jobs.

  1. The primary advantage of online teaching jobs is the geographic and borderless freedom of an online teacher. In simple words, as an online teacher, you do not have to limit your classes to a certain location as everything takes place virtually, giving women access to a larger group of students from around the world.
  2. For almost all online teaching jobs, the students, as well as the teachers, have the flexibility of time in terms of deciding the number of hours they want to contribute towards teaching the students, the number of students they want to take perception, the courses they want to teach, etc. Now, this flexibility allows women to balance their online teaching job and their daily responsibilities without any hassle or pressure.
  3. Online teaching jobs are considered to be one of the most convenient services provided by any teacher, regardless of the experience level, subjects being taught, etc., as these classes can be conducted and taken from the comfort of your house for hours mutually agreed upon between the student and the teacher. This side hustle can help earn more for women than most 9-5 job opportunities.
  4. On the plus side, as online teaching jobs require personalized classes for most students or subjects, you can participate in a list of different online teaching jobs and teach a wide variety of topics, including subject knowledge, hobby classes, language classes, etc., or a mix of all these together as there is no limitation as to how many types of classes you can conduct and sell on to students.

 How To Begin Online Tutoring In India?

If you are looking for means to begin your online tutoring journey, all you need to know is what you want to teach and the right medium to promote your classes to encourage maximum audience attraction and interaction. Currently, online tutoring classes are touching new heights, with the demand peaking globally. So, it is the right opportunity to promote your online and home tutoring classes as much as possible. There are multiple ways that you can make use of your online tutoring, but the top ones on the list include social media promotions, word of mouth, and visibility on multiple online platforms.

There are numerous digital platforms today that wish to fill the gap in the market by connecting students to the desired choice of online teacher/online classes in a few quick steps.

One such platform is Superprof which requires bare minimum effort to set up a profile as an online teacher and allows you the flexibility of setting your own early/session-wise payments, profile specifics, number of hours you can contribute in a day, etc. So, to promote your online tutoring classes, make your profile on this platform today.

What Is The Average Online Teaching Salary?

As financial independence is a key goal behind the increasing number of online teaching jobs available in the market today, especially for women who wish to begin their career from scratch or on themselves a side income to have better control in the life, it is crucial to know the average online teaching salary before you begin.

On average, a monthly payment of a minimum of Rs. 22,696/- is given to online teachers. However, this average amount is directly dependent on multiple factors, including the number of hours you teach, the subjects you teach, the hourly rate you pick, the number of classes or sessions you take in a day, etc.

However, at present, the salary packages for women who participate in online teaching jobs are witnessing an upward trend indicating a further increase in the pay scale soon.

Now that women’s empowerment is becoming more and more prominent aim for the population of the country, it is necessary to provide women with ample opportunities to increase their role in society. As a woman, you should no longer limit yourself to any job that is not up to your capability, and if you are someone who wants to start a career, online teaching jobs are the right way to go forward.

Sign up with Superprof today and start conducting online classes for the subjects, hobbies, or topics of your choice and earn yourself the financial independence you deserve.
