How to Install a Rectangular Pool Cover and a Solar Pool Cover for the Maintenance of Your Pool

Solar Pool Cover

Swimming pools are a wonderful addition to any backyard, but they also require maintenance. A pool cover is one of the most important pieces of maintenance equipment for pools. In addition to saving energy and safeguarding your pool from the elements, pool covers are useful for keeping the water clean. Rectangular pool covers and solar pool covers are the two primary varieties. We will describe how to set up and manage both types in this article.

The Importance of a Pool Cover

Let’s first gain an understanding of the significance of a pool cover before delving into the specifics of installation and maintenance. Numerous advantages of investing in a retractable pool cover include decreased water evaporation, improved water quality, and energy savings. You do not need to add water as frequently when a pool is covered since water evaporation is minimized. A pool cover also prevents debris from getting into the pool, which saves time and money on pool maintenance. As a last energy-saving measure, pool coverings can lower your energy costs by lowering the demand for pool heaters.

Types of Pool Covers

Pool covers come in two primary categories: rectangular pool covers and solar pool covers. Usually composed of vinyl or polypropylene, rectangular pool coverings are constructed to fit the geometry of a rectangular pool. These coverings are a great solution for pool protection throughout the winter because they can be used in any weather.

The purpose of solar pool covers, which are constructed of a thin layer of plastic, is to absorb solar radiation and warm the water. These coverings can raise the temperature of the water by up to 15 degrees Fahrenheit, extending the swimming season. Solar pool covers also aid in preventing debris from entering the pool and reducing water evaporation.

Installing a Rectangular Pool Cover

Let’s concentrate on installing a rectangular pool cover now that we are aware of the necessity of a pool cover and the various styles that are available. The steps are as follows:

  1. Assessing the Pool: To establish the proper size of the cover required, the pool’s length and breadth must first be measured. To guarantee that the cover fits properly, precise measurement is necessary.
  2. Create the Cover: Create the cover by placing it flat on the ground after determining the suitable size. The cover should be wrinkle- and fold-free and smooth.
  3. Align the Cover: Once the cover is flat and smooth, place it in line with the edges of the pool. At least a foot should be added to the cover on each side of the pool’s perimeter.
  4. Attach the Cover: To attach the cover, secure it in place with weights or water bags. To allow for expansion in freezing temperatures, water bags should be packed 34 percent full.
  5. Tighten the Cover: Once it has been fastened, pull the cover tightly and use the included straps to keep it in place.

Installing a Solar Pool Cover

Investing in solar pool covers is a popular choice for pool owners because they offer numerous benefits beyond just keeping the pool clean. Here are some of the benefits of installing a solar pool cover:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Solar pool covers are designed to capture the sun’s energy and transfer it to the water, which helps to warm the pool. This means that you can extend your swimming season without the need for a pool heater, which can save you money on your energy bills.
  2. Water Conservation: Solar pool covers also help conserve water by reducing water evaporation. By keeping the water in the pool, you do not have to add water as often, which can save you money on your water bill.
  3. Chemical Reduction: Solar pool covers can also reduce the amount of chemicals needed to maintain the pool. Because the cover reduces water evaporation, the concentration of chemicals in the pool remains consistent, which means you do not have to add chemicals as often.
  4. Reduced Debris: Solar pool covers also help to keep debris out of the pool. The cover acts as a barrier between the pool and the environment, which means you do not have to spend as much time cleaning the pool.
  5. Protection: Solar pool covers can also protect the pool from environmental factors such as wind, rain, and snow. This can help to prolong the life of the pool by preventing damage from weather-related incidents.

Maintaining Your Pool Cover

Your pool cover has been installed, but it needs to be maintained if you want it to last for several seasons. Here are some recommendations for upkeep to keep in mind:

  1. Sanitize the cover: Use a pool cover cleanser or gentle soap and water to clean the cover on a regular basis. Any dirt or debris that may have accumulated on the cover will be easier to remove by doing this.
  2. When not in use, store the cover correctly to avoid damage or deterioration. Store the cover in a tidy, dry location after folding it.
  3. Repair rips: To stop additional damage, immediately fix any holes or rips in the cover.
  4. Remove Snow and Debris: It’s necessary to clear the cover of any snow or debris that may accumulate during the winter. By doing this, the cover will stay in good condition and survive for several seasons.


In conclusion, pool covers are a crucial piece of equipment for pool upkeep. Whether you select a solar pool cover or a rectangular pool cover, installation is often straightforward. Your pool will stay clear and safe if you install and maintain your pool cover according to the instructions provided in this article. To ensure it lasts for many seasons, take careful to measure precisely, secure the cover securely, and maintain it frequently. You can use your pool for many years to come if the pool cover is placed and maintained correctly.
