How to Prevent Procrastination While Writing a Long-Form Essay?

Essay writing

Essay writing is the taste of perseverance and creativity. Writing an article requires great focus as you compile words, facts, stats, and other information on a single page. Therefore, you need great patience to sit in front of the computer and type out the knowledge.

Conversely, on the other hand, it is difficult to maintain focus throughout the process – thus, procrastination is pretty common. It brings a lag in writing and thinking ability. This can eventually lead to a decline in quality and delay completion.

Hence, experts around the academic world say to find different ways to counter procrastination and complete the task on quick notice. So, in the present article, we will discuss the ways to counter procrastination.

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Ways To Counter Procrastination 

Procrastination is the other word for laziness. In other terms, it means delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute. Hence, finding different outcomes to kill procrastination and using those methods to write essays properly and perfectly is important.

Here are a few ways to counter procrastination –

Writing Gibberish 

One of the things that you can do is write gibberish. It sounds gibberish, but it is the gibberish that can help you to write an essay. It can be anything such as “llalaposmnsalajmsnskl” or “ahahahsbdidvpkhb.”

This can help you to clear your thoughts and allow you to focus on the factual information of the essay. In other words, it will give you immense freedom to think freely and find ways to complete the report.

Therefore, if you feel like procrastinating, you can move your fingers around the keyboard and write anything you like. This way, you will kill the laziness and allow you to write different types of essays. Also, it will enable you to focus on writing for longer hours.

Use A Timer 

Another thing that you can do is use a timer. This will help you to kill procrastination and allow you to focus on writing. For this, you can use a stopwatch or digital watch to help you complete the task on time.

Moreover, you can break each task into mini-tasks and set deadlines for each job. This will keep you on track and trick your brain into functioning in writing essays on time. After completing each task, you should allot time for a break. Then, you begin writing again.

Furthermore, you should allot 20 to 30 minutes to each task. The success will be determined after you complete it before the allotted time. This will showcase that procrastination can be limited, allowing you to concentrate on writing and completing each task involved in essay writing.

Completing The Research Work First 

In order to counter procrastination, you should complete the research work first. It is a laborious job and also takes time. Therefore, you need to collect the ideas first, as it will help you not to lag behind and complete the article successfully.

Consequently, you should move about the web browser and look for the perfect results, allowing you to get the best facts for the writing. Hence, it will keep the ideas fresh in your mind – thus, you can write on a whole new level.

So, the best thing you need to do is dedicate your time to research work. This will allow you to manage time properly. Further, you can use different online platforms where you can find the necessary information required to complete an essay.

Try Something New 

Another way to limit procrastination is to try something new. It means you can search and read about further information, allowing you to focus on writing. In other words, you can search for anything you like using the Google search bar. This will enable you to learn new things and also let you think about writing.

Moreover, this will allow you to change your writing habits and style. This will give you a new direction in the process of writing an essay. Therefore, different authors work every day to enhance their writing skills and produce brilliant pieces of writing.

So, looking for new ways of writing can be a good thing to stop procrastination and build the focus around writing the best essay. Hence, looking for a change can be a good thing, maybe the best of things.

Speaking To Someone else 

Another important thing you should follow while writing an essay is finding ways to stop procrastination. For that, you can speak to Someone about the ideas you want to implement in the writing.

You can narrate to them the whole story and ideas that you are looking to implement in the essay. Once you start to speak to them, you will see that the process is occurring properly and are able to write properly.

Therefore, what you should do is find a professor or a friend who will help you to ignite the ideas. This will allow you to transfer the pictures to the pages and complete the task assigned to you.

Create A Mind Map 

Lastly, what you can try is to create a mind map of your essay, where you will point out the details of the paper and write it down in a place. This will give you the basic ideas and things you need to do to achieve the target.

You will find different mind map tools on the internet and look to use them to create an outline or structure for the essay. In that mind map, you will find the necessary questions surrounding the research, like what, when, how, and why.

These questions will help you to cut right down to the chase and focus on completing the essay rather than looking to waste your time on procrastination.

The Bottom Line 

In the end, you should look to find new ways to stop procrastination to increase your production rate. In other words, it will allow you to focus on the necessary deadlines and thus complete the project on time.

Therefore, the next time you find yourself amidst procrastination, you can follow the given steps mentioned in the above discussion.
