IIT-H Has Planned to Conduct the Entire Spring Semester Online

The coronavirus outbreak has turned many institutes student-friendly. The same is the case with IIT-Hyderabad; the college has decided to conduct the entire spring semester of the academic year 2020 online. The college has also decided to do away with annual exams instead distribute weightage to less stressful and hands-on components like assignments quizzes and reports.

The college authorities stated that they took this decision to conclude the semester quickly, ease the cloud of the lockdown and weight off the semester’s courses from the student’s head.

Furthermore, the institution has also decided to grade a ‘W’; withdrawal instead of F .The students will be awarded A, B, C, and W grades. The grade ‘W’ will be rewarded instead of –A, -B-, -C, and D. However, the institute says that the students might have to meet the institute’s requirement later.

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