Why India is becoming the next best ‘International Education’ hub?

Rupali Dhamdhere Principal C M International School_new | the education magazine

Education is the key to everything that is good in our world today.

Education is a very vast word difficult to pin down in a few lines. Earlier the debate was about good education and when we mention good education I think of a quote by John Kennedy,

“The Goal of Good education is the advancement of Knowledge and dissemination of truth.”

As we all are becoming more and more aware of benefits of being educated and as we read more, know more, learn more…..to expect our children to learn in the same way and the same thing would be a misdeed.

We as Indians are proud of our Gurukul way of learning, but as years have passed we are wanting to ape the countries who are the same ways but they are just presented in a good packaging, we are doing the same and exposing our children to first hand or manual experience than text knowledge.

Now we are making a point about International education and as we are aware that we have different curriculums to offer today as compared to the past. Most of us as parents put a lot of thought before we admit our child in school. It is very normal and natural for a parent to be overwhelmed about deciding over a school or curriculum that a school follows.

As we go through the different schools we come across that each institute has its own unique edge that it has to offer for a better schooling experience.

India is growing exponentially in all sectors including education. We as a developing country are able to provide the best talent to the entire world.

The international schools in India are coming to be considered as the best or leading schools as they incorporate understanding, celebration and appreciation of the world and use curriculum that is accepted around the world.

As the globe is becoming a very close circle, we have globe trotters who come from diverse backgrounds and cultures and first hand exposure to culture gives the students an opportunity to uncover the differences and similarities which results in better appreciation of the world around them.

While celebration of culture is a positive value that is appreciated it also fosters confidence and maturity in children. The exposure to all these activities gives the students a global perspective and a boost in their confidence level.

As we say the world is becoming a smaller place, many businesses now a day function on a global scale. All these global organizations look for individuals who have a wide perspective to work on a global scale. They look for individuals with a better understanding of the trends and cultures around the world so in such cases students from international schools who are generally exposed to such experiences and have learnt some or the other foreign language and have a better understanding of cultures are more suitable and fit into the role like hand in glove.

In a country as diverse as India, the international schools are in a position to provide the children with firsthand experience of the best of both the worlds, keeping our tradition of having education as our highest priority. A country that adapts to the global trends really fast.

“A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether.”
– Roy H. Williams

We are preparing our children to be smart and develop on their own by evaluating their mistakes. So it is truly said that teach a child to think and never give him readymade answers as there won’t be any learning happening then.

About the Author

Dr. Rupali Dhamdhere is the dedicated educational professional with more than 15 years of teaching experience covering all aspects of school operations, including teaching, counseling and special program management. She has proven her ability to create and monitor policies and practices that promote a safe learning environment, ensure a school culture that encourages continuous improvements for teachers and students. She had been part of many prestigious institutions as coordinator and is currently the Principal of C M International School. Among many achievements of her, recognized as top 25 women leaders in Indian Education Sectors 2018 is the latest feather in her crown.
