Indian Institute of Material Management: Singular Professional Organization in the Country for Materials Management / Supply Management
Indian Institute of Material Management

The institute aims to promote professional excellence in materials management towards National Prosperity through sustainable development.

Indian Institute of Material Management (IIMM) has its Registered Office and Headquarters at Sector‐15, Institutional Area, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai. It is a premier professional institute established in the year 1975 and has 52 branches and 18 chapters spread all over the country. It has around 11,000 members drawn from both the public and the private sector. It is registered as a professional body of materials management by ISTE and is a non-profit organization. It also conducts various approved accreditation programmes with different universities.

An Overview of the Institute

In order to initiate an effective global interaction, the institute is a chartered member of International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM), Atlanta, U.S.A. which has members in over 44 countries. IIMM is also governed by a national council of members that are elected once in two years by the required necessary branches. Through this council, they elect a national executive who works on the activities of the institutes. Additionally, every branch is managed by a branch committee that houses four office bearers which are the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and other committee members.

The institute has a wide range of objectives and ethics that they value and follow promptly. Some of  their objectives are as given below:

  • To secure a wider recognition and promote the importance of efficient Materials Management in commercial and industrial undertakings.
  • To safeguard and elevate the professional status of individuals engaged in the Materials Management faculty.
  • To constantly impart advanced professional knowledge and thus improve the skill of the person engaged in the Materials Management function.
  • To propagate and promote among the members strict adherence to IIMM Code of Conduct and Ethics

Given below are also a list of multiple ethics that are given prominence at the institute.

  • To consider first the total interest of one’s organization in all transactions without impairing the dignity and responsibility to one’s office.
  • To buy without prejudice seeking to obtain the maximum ultimate value for each rupee of expenditure.
  • To subscribe and work for honesty and truth in buying and selling, to denounce all forms and manifestations of commercial bribery and to eschew anti-social practices.
  • To accord a prompt and courteous reception so far as conditions will permit to all who call up on legitimate business mission.
  • To respect one’s obligations and those of one’s organization consistent with good business practice.

Academic Provisions for the Students

To achieve cost-effective, consistent, sector-specific education IIMM has introduced short term Certification courses. These courses provide technology-assisted training to students across India.

By making the courses lower in cost, flexible and more convenient to attend, we aim to significantly enhance the employability prospects of several people in the field of supply chain management. We at IIMM believe that by increasing the supply of trained manpower, it will help both the public and private sector in improving their supply chain performance which can only lead to reduction of wastage and improvement of customer service levels

In order to promote R&D, IIMM has also established its Centre for Research in Materials  Management (CRIMM)  in association with the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM) Kolkata. IIMM also brings out monthly Journal, Materials Management  Review  (MMR) which contains contemporary & current articles on Supply Chain Management.

 The noteworthy features of IIMM include:-

  • IIMM has been active for about four decades and has track record of success in education in the areas of material management, procurement, logistics, taxation compliance and supply chain management.
  • The Board of Studies of IIMM includes eminent professors from IIMs and IITs besides Practitioners from Corporates.
  • IIMM conducts several conferences including: World Congress, Asia Pacific Conference and Annual India Conference on topics of  current importance in addition to regional conferences
  • IIMM also provides in-house training and consultancy programmes for public and private sector companies.
  • In order to reach larger audiences and deliver cost-effective training, IIMM has launched a comprehensive programme of Foundation and Advanced courses and an Expert Certification Programme. With both general track and planned industry-specific modules, these courses seek to address the large gap that exists in supply chain education.

Availability of a Wide Range of Courses

The institute provides a wide range of courses that the students can pick on the basis of their career goals. It has a graduate diploma course in materials management that’s recognized by the Govt of India after which the students can be appointed into superior posts and other services under the Central Government. It also provides a Post Graduate Diploma Course in Materials Management which has a duration of three years via correspondence and is also recognized by the AICTE. There are plenty other courses apart from these, available for the students. IIMM offers the following Educational Courses which are governed by Board of Studies.

  • Graduate Diploma in Materials Management (GDMM) 2 Years (Accredited by IFPSM-USA)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Materials Management (PGDMM) 2Years(Approved by All India Council for Technical Education – AICTE)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in SCM & Logistics (Approved by All India Council for Technical Education – AICTE)
  • Diploma in Stores Management – IIMM –Vadodara – National Level through IIMM NHQ
  • Diploma and Certificates courses in International Trade (Export-Import Management)
  • E-Learning Course (Advanced and Foundation Courses) Purchasing, Logistics, Warehouse, Foreign Trade Advanced Courses: Public Procurement, Logistics, International Business, Supply Management.

IIMM also conducts internal certification courses which are conducted in regular mode on Sundays. They all last 6 months and the courses are as below –

Six Months Certification Course on Supply Chain Management

Six Months Certification Course on Materials Management

Six Months Certification Course on International Trade

Glimpse into the Skilled Academician

Jayraman B is the Branch Chairman of IIMM, Bangalore and he holds past work experience as a general manager of Bosch Ltd.

A Host of Professional Development Activities

IIMM is an institute that works towards developing the students professional skills simultaneously while focusing on their academics. The institute holds various seminars and workshops as well as study group meetings. There are also various events such as evening lecture programs, young material manager competitions, regional conferences, annual national conventions, world congress of IFPSM and complimentary journal from IFPSM and IIMM. One of the biggest events conducted was the Supply Chain and Logistics Exposition which has been a key highlight since 2000. So far there have been 400 speakers, 3000 participants, 200 exhibitors and 18000 business visitors so far.

By taking these measures, IIMM ensures students gain exposure to various sectors such as manufacturing, logistics/warehousing, mining, petro-chemicals, textiles, construction/infrastructure, IT/ITES, food and agriculture and healthcare. The institute also has its own publications The Materials Management Review (MMR) Monthly journal of IIMM and Branch News Letters – Published bi-monthly basis).

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