Kendriya Vidyalayas to offer skill course on artificial intelligence

Kendriya Vidyalayas

Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) will introduce an AI skills course at schools with the courses coming from the 2020-21 academic session for students in classes 6 to 11. Schools shall teach the course in compliance with the designated circular for 12 hours during the whole year.

Before starting a course, KVs will select two teachers from their school to be trained for the AI course. As many as 100 KVs have been selected for introducing AI, implying 200 teachers will be trained in the subject. The training will be held by trainers from the Zonal Institute of Education and Training (ZIETs). Thereafter, 198 trained teachers will be further trained by Intel representatives who will conduct online training of teachers for class 8.

In order to take part, KVs must register before June 30 with the CBSE. In April, the Board announced that it will introduce a range of new courses for classes 6 to 9, including AI.

‘Design Thinking’, ’Physical Activity Trainer,’ along with ‘AI’ has also been launched by CBSE. In addition to these new programs, the Board also provides seventeen secondary level skills subjects and 38 senior secondary skills subjects.

While announcing these courses, CBSE had said, “Mainstreaming all forms of learning and skills will integrate not just the hands-on skilling component but also the theoretical knowledge, attitudes and mindsets, and soft skills that are required for particular occupations, through a broad-based education that is necessary for students to be able to take on and thrive in a fast-changing world.”
