Latin American and Caribbean Education Summit to Be Hosted in Chile


UNESCO and the Chilean Ministry of Education have called the meeting. It is jointly organized by UNICEF, the World Bank, ECLAC, and the CAF Bank.

The summit, which will take place at the ECLAC headquarters in Santiago and involve regional ministers of education, will have an impact on 33 countries and roughly 125 million pupils, who are taught by 6.9 million teachers. The purpose of the event is to make progress on defining public policies that will accelerate the 2030 Agenda’s educational goals through the reactivation, recovery, and transformation of education.

The “Ministerial of Education: Santiago 2024,” an unusual gathering of Latin American and Caribbean ministers of education, will take place in Santiago, Chile, on January 25 and 26, 2024. This meeting’s ultimate objective is to put up a plan of specific political and technological steps to address the post-pandemic educational problem.
The World Bank, UNICEF, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), and the Chilean Ministry of Education are co-organizers of the event, which is being called by UNESCO and the Ministry of Education of Chile.

In order to advance the reactivation, recovery, and transformation of education as catalysts for the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) and the funding of education as a necessary condition, the event will discuss and exchange experiences in public policy.

The conference is a follow-up to the United Nations Summit on the Transformation of Education (TES), when initiatives were put in place to tackle the COVID-19-related educational crisis and rethink future educational systems. Additionally, through the mobilization of action, ambition, and solidarity in search of answers within the parameters of preexisting agreements, there was a revival of the global commitment to education as a public good at the Summit.

Among those who have already confirmed their attendance are the ministers of education from Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Paraguay. They will take part in the planned events, conversations, and one-on-one encounters that will be scheduled in advance.

The setting for this conference of education ministers, to which experts and representatives from the finance sector have also been invited, is that we are undergoing the worst educational crisis in the past century, based on a number of international reports. Over 170 million pupils have lost an average of 1.5 years of schooling due to the pandemic, with the effects being most severe in Latin America and the Caribbean, one of the most unequal regions in the world.
