Making Excursions a Learning Experience

Learning Experience
Learning Experience

Travelling makes everyone happy, right from our childhood just going out to the parks or visiting an aquarium always seems a fun and lively activity. Especially for kids when they are young and at a tender age they love discovering new things which in fact leads to learning in many ways. Travel is an excellent learning experience for students; it highlights both the aspects of learning and traveling. Most of the times, the daily routine of school and study becomes very tedious leading to a lack of interest in students to perform to their best ability.

Keeping in account of this, the school authorities have taken effective initiatives of organizing educational trips called excursions to museums, art galleries, field visits, planetariums, and many more. This type of study tours are fun yet a learning experience for students. Learning cannot be confined to the four walls of a classroom and restricted to just books and blackboards. Living in the modern world, the ways of teaching and learning has changed and with of technology everything has just been uplifted.

One of the major reasons of organizing and encouraging students to participate in these excursions is bringing the students together to interact, be friends and make the most of the time and learning. To add the extra touch to this, school teachers give a project or ask to make a model of whatever the student has discovered throughout the trip. This can be performed in groups so as students can learn from each other and gather ideas to build an innovative concept.

Many a times, during the excursions a guide is there along with the students to explain the history, teach and discover new things about the place. To make it more interesting the students can be informed beforehand to get some material like a seed to sow during the field visit, carry a Polaroid camera to get instant pictures or carry drawing stationery to do a live sketch. This in turn will allow the students to learn there and then and experience the art of outside learning. The guides along with the teachers are very co-operative putting their best forward to help students excel to the maximum potential.

Adding more colors to play is the beauty of the nature which the students are surrounded with, the lash green grass, hearing the birds chirp brings a sense of joy creating a lively and relaxing atmosphere. It is imperative to make students aware about the environment and its growing momentum so as to cherish the exquisiteness of the Mother Earth. Also this will keep the students entitled to the playgrounds and parks rather than spending their leisure time on PlayStations and tablets.

These trips often don’t have any set boundaries to explore in a particular country only. Travelling abroad to explore the world are some of the highlights while studying ‘Tourism’, as the world has so much to offer in every single aspect.

These excursions and trips will surely enhance the learning experience and give students an opportunity to understand the outside world.
