Manish Goyal: An Expert Guiding Others to Reach Higher Financial Altitudes

Manish Goyal

The current stock market consulting industry, like every other, is evolving at a rapid pace. The markets are evolving and are demanding that the associated investors and their approach evolve too. Success in stock market investment is all about thinking strategically and planning ahead than others. Investing is both, an art and a science.

On the same note, we bring forth such a personality who has mastered this art and science of investment. We would like to introduce a well-recognized face in the stock market, Manish Goyal, who redefined the industry by offering multibagger investment advice.

A trained and qualified rank holder in 2005, Goyal was a Chartered Accountant and worked as a finance manager in an MNC for four years before opting to invest in the stock market. To cultivate his love for investment, he became a full-time investor and even began offering financial recommendations on undervalued stocks.

Mr. Goyal now conducts an advisory service through which he finds undervalued multibagger stocks using his advanced analytical methodology. An effective user of social media, Manish even shares his thoughts on Facebook. He even publishes updates and provides suggestions on and

Pursuing the Heights

By qualification, Mr. Goyal is a Chartered Accountant and since the enrollment, he has always been involved in the stock market. But, instead of opting for a chartered accountancy practice, he chose stock market investing as his professional career. Although he has been investing since 2002 and has come across a lot of bulls and bears cycles since then. It was his approach and quantitative methodology that he uncovered some undervalued small to mid-cap stocks at his early stages in the business.

After completing his CA, Mr. Goyal initially served as a Finance Manager in Ranbaxy Laboratories for four years. There, a thought stuck in his mind; ‘what is the point of making money if I don’t have either free time or quality of life’. Hence, he decided to walk the path of stock investing as a career as it will allow him to take some personal time alongside making money.

Mr. Goyal regenerated the habit of reading very early in his life. He began to enjoy the entire day researching history, finance, investing, etc. His favorite reads included Warren Buffet and other leading investors who assisted him to gain a lot of understanding of the stock market.

He states that reading and going through diverse subjects to be the biggest help in his career in investment. He shares Nial Fuller’s views citing the quote, “To master the art of reading price, action, you must study, practice and read more and more about the company consistently”.

He asserts, “I think, reading the stock market is the secret of getting success in every business. It not only sharpens your mind but also helps you develop and think from different perspectives. I started investing in fundamental analysis because my aim was to make wealth, which can be only made through long-term value investment in small and mid-cap stocks.”

Mr. Goyal remembers his very first multibagger bet with 40 bagger stocks viz., Chaman Lal Setia which helped him to beat millions of Intraday traders, FIIS, and MFs. Afterward, he dived deep into the financial knowledge and industry expertise as a finance manager to gather information about the stocks.

He says, “Fundamental analysis is perhaps the most essential part of investing that a trader can use to improve his trading skills & performance to grow in the market. It needs constant follow up and research skills.”

For numerous years, Mr. Goyal was investing his own money in markets but received requests to commence an advisory business. Hence, in 2017, he came up with the name after taking relevant approvals from SEBI.

His primary goal is to find stocks that have the potential to become Multibaggers instead of seeking thirty to forty percent returns. The firm has been able to identify some big multibagger stocks such as Swiss Glascoat, Chaman Lal Setia Exports, KPR Mills, Mold-Tek Packaging, Maithan Alloys, etc.

Additionally, the firm got the exclusive rights to the word Multibagger from the Trademark Department of Government of India. Hence, no other business/advisor can use the same word.

Mistakes – The Necessary Evil

Talking about the hurdles and setbacks, Mr. Goyal labels his mistakes as his greatest teachers. After failing here and there, he introspected the reasons behind and cultivated a list of Dos and Don’ts of the stock market. He reveals the most significant lesson of following fundamental strength stating, “The most important lesson I learned is that we should not focus on the noise or herd mentality in the stock market and should focus on the fundamental strength of business in which we are investing. I think a person should learn from his previous mistakes. Instead of overlooking the wrong decisions, he must review them and find the loophole that resisted him from achieving success.”

Words to Live By

Mr. Goyal advises newcomers to conduct stock market research more scientifically. They must deter from any kind of noise or hearsay. “Keys to success in this business are transparency, integrity, and hard work. No fake promises should be made to the clients, and investment advice should be given considering the client’s financial and social position. New entrepreneurs should follow all types of guidelines and rules of SEBI,” he asserts.

Guiding the learning path, Mr. Goyal suggests referring to plenty of free trading resources online. He also advises to form a network via Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn to share and help other professional traders. He further emphasizes on the importance of reading by saying, “In the initial days of my firm Multibagger Securities & Research Advisory, I helped many traders on Facebook and my website with the little knowledge that I had. And I think reading is what can only make a person successful in any business, so whatever your goals are, you must read and learn continuously.”

Investing in the Future

Revealing their plans for the forthcoming years, Mr. Goyal wishes to open another branch of the firm in Chandigarh. The firm is also contemplating about applying for PMS service and for the near future, and it will also cater to other associated services of capital markets such as stockbroking.
