Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College Of Pharmacy: Instilling Excellence in Pharmacy Pedagogies

Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College Of Pharmacy

The education system’s well-being and overall improvement for the general population’s benefit ensure that all individuals have access to quality education, providing resources and support for disadvantaged or marginalized groups, and promoting equity and inclusivity within the education system.

With a motto of ‘Yethe Bahutanche Hitta’ (Welfare of Masses), Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Pharmacy aims to be a premier pharmacy institute achieving excellence in teaching, value education, research, and consultancy in core areas and be engaged in the service to promote continued education.

The foundation of Marathwada Mitra Mandal (MM) Pune was laid in 1967 by Hon. Late. Shri Shankarraoji Chavan, Former Home Minister, Government of India, as the Founder President and followed by Hon. Late. Shri. Vilasraoji Deshmukh, Former Union Minister, Government of India.

Currently, MM is a pivot of educational organizations, including colleges, schools, and centers that have been imparting excellent education for over 55 years. MM has distinguished visionaries on its executive board from different walks of life, from academicians to industrialists and socialists to Philosophers. Currently, headed by Hon. Shri. Shivajirao Ganage as President and Hon. Prin. Bhausaheb Jadhav as Executive President.

The Foundational Core


“To educate students from diverse backgrounds in the fundamental skills, knowledge through a curriculum designed by the University to prepare them for pharmacy professional positions in service organizations, pharmaceutical industries, and other healthcare fields, and also to promote a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship”.


“To develop competent pharmacy professionals through excellence in education.”


“To provide a sound academic foundation to develop professional skills through a personalized and multiple learning environments both within and beyond the classroom.”


“To extend its modest share in a meaningful and positive way for the development of Healthy Society.”


“Optimism, Efficiency, Responsibility, Teamwork, Integrity, Compassion, Innovativeness.”

The Initiation

The college is located on a beautiful campus at the banks of river Pawana in the heart of Pimpri-Chinchwad city.

  • 2006 – B. Pharm. (Degree Course in Pharmacy)
  • 2010 – M. Pharm. in Pharmaceutics
  • Pharm. in Pharmacognosy
  • 2011 – M. Pharm. in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
  • 2013 – PG Research Centre (Ph. D.)
  • 2018 – D. Pharm. (Diploma in Pharmacy)

Besides this, some value added/add on certificate courses were introduced, such as Communication and soft skill Development, Skill Development Module – Tablet Manufacturing, Unit Operations, Care, Handling and use of Small Laboratory Animals, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, and Online value-added certificate courses through Academic ERP like Basics of Communication Skills, Basics of Presentation Skills, Business Awareness and amp, Entrepreneurship.

Quality is the keyword for the success of an institution. Hence according to the vision of MMCOP, a premier pharmacy institute, emphasis is given to the quality of education that the students are receiving through the implementation of the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the institute. As a result of this, the institute has achieved much more in a shorter duration of time.

Accreditations, Achievements & Accolades

  • Accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with an ‘A+’ Grade.
  • Ranked in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. – 2022 (90th) and 2020 (76-100 band).
  • Recipient of Best College Award (2021-22) (Professional-Urban) by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
  • Recipient of Best Emerging Industry Linked Institute (2021) by All India Council for Technical Education, Confederation of Indian Industry (AICTE – CII).
  • Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) – B. Pharm Course (2014-2022).
  • Certificate of Recognition as Best Pharmacy College by (Idols of Maharashtra – Educational Excellence) by Sakal Media Group.
  • Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) Recognized Centre for Innovation, Invention, and Incubation.
  • Certified ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 & Green Educational Campus.
  • Permanently Affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
  • Recognized as an Approved center for PG Research (Ph. D).
  • Recognized as 2(f) and 12 (B) by UGC.
  • Platinum Ranked Institute in the AICTE CII Survey (2018 & 2020).
  • Placed among the 20 Promising Pharmacy colleges of India by Higher Education Review (2018).
  • Educational Excellence Award by Indus Foundation.
  • The college has also established Institute Innovation Council and Centre for Invention, Innovation, Incubation and Linkages as per the norms of the University and MHRD’s Innovation Cell due to the Commitment, Passion for doing the best by Inspiring and building confidence in the subordinates.
  • General Championship- Runner Up in National Pharmacy Week – 2019, Organized by Indian Pharmaceutical Association, Pune Branch.

Spreading Roots

The Majority of the faculty of MMCOP is engaged in research projects funded by various Central and State Funding Agencies, University and Industries and Continuous generation of funds through Consultancy and Services by using highly well-equipped state-of-the-art laboratories with sophisticated and advanced facilities, including an Industrial Pharmacy Laboratory, Central Instrumentation Facility, CPCSEA approved Animal House and fetched Rs. 3.27 Crores of Research, Infrastructure & QIP Grants. This has resulted in the publication of 341 research papers in peer-reviewed National, International Journals (Scopus, Web of Science indexed and UGC Care list), 188 research paper presentations in National, International Conferences, the authoring of 12 books, and filed a total of 07 Indian patents (03 examined, 03 published) by the faculty and students.

The faculty of MMCOP has a comprehensive academic and administrative experience, reflected by its faculty’s representation in constitutional bodies like the Board of Studies, Faculty, Academic Council, etc., of various Universities. This has helped teaching the research culture among the students, resulting in student research publications and presentations from the mini research projects that even UG students undertake.

The institute aims to provide an industry-simulated atmosphere at the premises to build up and boost students’ confidence and competence levels by procuring the instrument of market-leading brands.

Sophisticated equipment’s like Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, DSC, HPLC-PDA, HPLC-UV, FTIR, Spectrofluorometer, Particle Size Analyzer with Zeta potential, High-Pressure Homogenizer, Cooling Ultracentrifuge, UV Spectrophotometer, Probe Sonicator, Lyophilizer, Spray Dryer, Spheronizer, Disperser, Cryostatic Bath, Multi Tooling Tablet Machine, Multi-Purpose Equipment,12 Station Auto sampler Dissolution Apparatus, 6/8 Station Dissolution Apparatus, FBD, Colloidal Mill, R&D Coater, Digital Microscope, Autoanalyzer, Plethysmometer, Rotary Vacuum Evaporator, Orbital Incubator Shaker, etc. are available for the students.

Keeping Up with Times

The institute regularly invites resource persons from industry, learned and distinguished academicians, successful entrepreneurs from the pharma sector, and dignitaries to deliver talks that help to create enthusiasm and passion among the students and staff members for achieving educational excellence.

Well-stocked library with a subscription to national and international journals and e-journals, membership of various libraries like Jaykar Library SPPU, British Council Library, NCL Library, National Digital Library, etc., and a well-lighted and peaceful reading room, Digital Library and Multimedia Room.

The institute has an advanced computer laboratory and Language Laboratory with unlimited internet access to students and faculty members through LAN and Wi-Fi. There is a practical application of ICT based education system.

The college is student-centric teaching and learning with effective implementation of an Asynchronous mode of instruction through Academic ERP, G-Suit, and the Microsoft Office app OneDrive.

All the classrooms are enabled with a multimedia computer, LCD projector/ Smart Board and internet. Spacious and well-lighted seminar Hall equipped with PA system multimedia computer, LCD projector, and internet (Wi-Fi campus).

Helping Hand to Communities

The student’s academic development at MMCOP is reflected in their excellent track record of success in the examination. The college results are consistently above the average of the University results. For students’ overall development, the emphasis on co-curricular and extracurricular activities is given. The college has excellent indoor and outdoor sports facilities.

Students actively participate in various administrative and academic committees, training them to be future managers. To develop the students as responsible citizens of the nation, Continuous and Consistent Professional Activities and Social Outreach Activities are organized in the institute, thus helping in nation-building. Ragging & Tobacco free campus helps its students to understand social and health values.

The college has an Active NSS unit that organizes various health awareness programs, good citizenship, and other related social activities. Along with such programs of social values to improve the EQ of the students, there is a system of student counseling and mentoring; the effectiveness of this system is enhanced through the parenthood concept.

Industry Institute Interaction and Entrepreneurship Development Cell – the other important aspect needed after the development of a student into a pharmacy graduate or postgraduate is guidance and support for higher education, job, and entrepreneurship. Active Industry Institute Interaction and Entrepreneurship Development Cell, sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi, engaged in Career counseling, Training, Entrepreneurship Development Programs, and Aggressive Placement activities for job seekers.

To favor the training, placement, and research activity, the college has a tie-up with various industries and research organizations proximate to the college. To date, MoUs signed with 13 sectors and 03 research organizations facilitating research, training, and placement activities.

Above and Beyond

Quality in education can be judged by the continuous check on quality; this is done by conducting a formative and summative assessment of both the students and the teachers. For the student, the in-semester or concurrent evaluation and end-semester examinations are the means. For the teacher, the feedback mechanism is the system for both formative and summative assessments. 3600 feedback mechanism system is effectively followed.

There is complete Transparency in Organization and Governance resulting from the well-educated and experienced manager who has held key positions in academics and other organizations.

Confidence of success and a culture of commitment, patience, and persistence ensures the mission to first start a community pharmacy center in the region as an expansion activity and to have an FDA-approved Public Testing Laboratory using central instrumentation facilities.
