Mohamad Kheir: Promoting Seamless Onboarding and Integration
Mohamad Kheir

HR is the backbone of any organization, ensuring talent acquisition, retention, compliance, and nurturing a positive workplace culture, driving overall success. An ideal HR professional possesses empathy, communication skills, problem-solving ability, confidentiality, ethics, adaptability, and strategic thinking for influential people management.

Mohamad Kheir, the Group HR Director at Power International Holding, has a strategic journey into the world of human resources that was no accident; it’s a progression driven by his passion for nurturing organizational growth through strategic HR management. During the last decade, he has served as Group HR Director of Power International Holding, where he has mastered his skills across various HR functions, including talent retention and digital transformation.

Kheir points to a transformative moment that stands out as one of the most rewarding in his career. It was a profound shift in the HR Operating Model, a dress that went beyond mere system changes and dove deep into cultural evolution. This transformation showcased the remarkable power of people analytics, strategic planning, and the symbiotic relationship between humans and technology. It was a testament to what can be achieved when HR becomes human-centric.

The creation of an HR AI-enabled Chatbot powered by LEENA AI was another milestone possible due to Kheir’s dedication to innovation and improvement. This initiative revolutionized HR management, introducing unprecedented efficiency and aligning seamlessly with the organization’s commitment to continuous improvement.

Mohamad Kheir’s career legacy centers on a transformative career development roadmap that integrated leading-edge digital platforms, such as learning management systems (LMS) and blended learning. This departure from conventional approaches created a dynamic, nurturing learning environment where team members thrived and embodied empowerment and growth. Kheir’s multilingual skills amplified his role in fostering inclusivity and diversity, elevating them beyond mere policies to integral cultural components. In his vision, HR isn’t just a department but an organization’s heartbeat, with people as its most valuable assets, nurtured for growth, innovation, and excellence. His career underscores HR’s transformative potential when rooted in a genuine commitment to people’s development.

From Administration to Strategy

Over the last decade, Mr. Kheir has witnessed HR evolve from an administrative role to a strategic powerhouse driving organizational success. In the past, HR primarily handled administrative tasks. Still, with the rise of digital technology and a heightened focus on employee experience, it has shifted towards a holistic, people-centric approach.

His tenure has been marked by efforts to remodel HR, place people at the core of operations, nurture a positive work culture, prioritize employee well-being, and facilitate continuous learning and development.

Looking ahead, Kheir envisions the integration of AI and VR technologies as pivotal. The emergence of the Metaverse in HR learning and the use of Robotics promises immersive learning experiences.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are rising, influencing leadership styles. He passionately advocates for DEI, making it a fundamental part of the organizational DNA to create a workplace where everyone feels valued.

Sustainability is also a critical aspect of shaping HR’s future. ‘Go green’ initiatives and paperless transactions exemplify the shift towards environmentally conscious business operations.

Kheir’s vision for HR is a technologically driven future with personalized experiences, data analytics for informed decisions, and a deep-rooted commitment to DEI and sustainability in the organizational culture.

In this dynamic landscape, HR’s role becomes even more diverse, emphasizing personalization, innovative learning platforms, and a culture that celebrates every individual’s unique contribution. Kheir’s journey in HR embodies this transformation, where people take center stage in driving organizational success.

The Visionary HR Leader

Mohamad Kheir has essential insights into HR leadership that shine through. With a long-term vision, he synchronizes HR with organizational goals and embraces technology, infusing efficiency. Empathy and inclusivity underpin his approach, creating a people-centric HR model.

Kheir’s critical and systemic thinking integrates career development with learning, fostering a holistic culture. Multilingualism broadens his perspective, enriching strategies. His adeptness in dispute resolution cultivates trust and transparency. Through performance evaluations and feedback, he nurtures continuous improvement. Kheir embodies the visionary, empathetic, tech-savvy, and communicative HR leader, shaping a future of inclusivity, innovation, and excellence.

Transformative Power of Strategic HR Leadership

Mohamad Kheir presents a decade-long journey with groundbreaking HR strategies that have reshaped the organization.

Yet, beneath the many pioneering strategies lies a relentless commitment to a people-centric ecosystem. He transformed the HR Operating Model into one that prioritizes individual growth and well-being. Fusing a career development roadmap with learning platforms emphasized adaptability and forward-thinking.

His pay-for-performance scheme and Total Rewards Policy acknowledged team members’ dedication. These approaches celebrated talent, fostering a culture of meritocracy.

These strategies transcend policy implementation. They weave a rich tapestry of experiences, placing employee well-being, continuous learning, and future-readiness at the forefront. The result is a thriving workplace where engagement and productivity are aspirations and vibrant realities. Kheir’s journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of strategic HR leadership.

Strategic Planning: Charting the Digital Journey

During Mohamad Kheir’s tenure at Power International Holding, he confronted a formidable challenge head-on: the transformation and digitization of the HR department in a swiftly evolving technological landscape.

This challenge had many loops and holes. On one side, the imperative was to modernize and seamlessly integrate leading-edge technologies, such as AI and chatbots, into HR operations. On the other hand, the need for a smooth transition lay for team members who had long been accustomed to traditional workflows.

With a masterful command of critical, systemic, and design thinking, Kheir embarked on this journey through a meticulous planning phase. Initially, he identified the areas crying out for technological evolution. Subsequently, training programs were carefully crafted, incorporating diverse learning platforms and LXP, equipping the team with the essential skills and knowledge to embrace these new digital tools.

He orchestrated workshops and brainstorming sessions, inviting input and insights from team members spanning various departments. This collaborative approach not only fostered a sense of teamwork but also ensured that the changes being introduced were embraced and comprehended by all.

The bold initiatives represented significant leaps in their digital transformation journey, injecting efficiency and seamlessness into HR processes.

Yet, this journey wasn’t merely about adopting new tools; it entailed a profound shift in mindset—a culture of perpetual learning and adaptability. Through strategic communication and cultivating an environment that encouraged feedback and open dialogue, he ensured a smooth transition, alleviating resistance and fostering acceptance of the new digital landscape.

In retrospect, the triumph over this intricate transition was the fruit of collaborative labor, foresight, and a profound comprehension of the technological necessities and the human dynamics at play. It is a testament to the remarkable potential unleashed through the harmonious synergy of technology and human ingenuity, all guided by a vision of efficiency, inclusivity, and future readiness. Mohamad Kheir’s journey embodies the transformative power of strategic HR leadership in the digital age.

Crafting DEI Policies

In today’s interconnected and diverse workplace, the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) hold immense significance in shaping an organization’s ethics and driving its success. Within Power International Holding, Mohamad Kheir has been a tireless advocate for DEI, working diligently to weave it into the organization’s very fabric.

The journey commenced with precisely crafted policies designed to promote diversity and cultivate a culture where every individual feels acknowledged and valued. These HR policies were meticulously structured to eliminate bias, foster fairness, and embrace a mosaic of perspectives born from diverse backgrounds and life experiences.

He introduced comprehensive learning and development programs to deepen team members’ understanding of diverse issues and nurture sensitivity. His proficiency in multiple languages was a bridge, effectively conveying these concepts across language barriers, thus deepening the organization’s commitment to DEI principles.

One of the most notable outcomes has been the transformation of the workplace into a more harmonious and collaborative environment. Inclusive leadership practices have nurtured a space where every opinion holds weight, leading to the emergence of innovative solutions and strategies—an unmistakable testament to the wealth that diversity brings to the table.

Another pivotal achievement was a conscious effort to cultivate gender inclusivity across all company levels. Initiatives were set in motion to encourage more women to take up leadership roles, expanding not only the variety of the leadership team but also infusing fresh perspectives into strategic endeavors.

This focus transcended mere diversity and extended to create an equitable environment where opportunities are accessible based on merit and capability, without bias or discrimination.

Additionally, regular surveys and feedback mechanisms were introduced to gauge the organization’s pulse regarding inclusivity and belonging. The positive feedback and a significant reduction in complaints related to discrimination stand as tangible evidence of the transformative impact of their DEI initiatives.

Measurable outcomes further underline the success of these efforts, with a remarkable increase in employee satisfaction and a decline in attrition rates. These trends underscore a workplace that is not only nurturing and inclusive but also conducive to the growth and development of all its members.

Kheir’s commitment to DEI initiatives transcends mere policy implementation. It has evolved into the cultivation of a dynamic ecosystem where diversity is acknowledged and celebrated, equity is not just a concept but a practice, and inclusivity is not just a goal but a fundamental norm. Through these efforts, a culture of harmony, respect, and mutual growth thrives within Power International Holding.

Encouraging Inclusivity and Dialogue

Handling organizational change is a critical initiative, and throughout his tenure at Power International Holding, Mohamad Kheir has honed a holistic approach to change management. This approach places a strong emphasis on clear communication, inclusivity, and foresight.

His strategy begins with a profound understanding of the implications of the impending change. With over a decade of experience leading the HR department, he possesses a unique insight that allows him to anticipate potential consequences and opportunities associated with various changes.

Once the groundwork is laid, the next vital step is crafting a communication strategy that is transparent, comprehensive, and timely. He ensures that communication not only outlines the nature of the change but also articulates the underlying rationale, offering a clear vision of the anticipated benefits. This fosters a sense of purpose and direction among the team.

To facilitate a smoother transition, he encourages feedback and open dialogue. Through the establishment of forums and feedback channels, he creates a space where employees can voice concerns, ask questions, and provide input. This inclusive approach not only aids in addressing potential issues promptly but also nurtures a sense of ownership and active participation.

Training and development constitute a pivotal component of this strategy. Leveraging his background in staff training and development, Kheir designs tailored programs that equip the team with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate changes effectively, mitigating disruptions and fostering adaptability.

Moreover, to embed change deeply within the organizational culture, he integrates it into the broader narrative of the organization’s goals, making it a natural extension of the ongoing journey toward growth and excellence.

As a multilingual leader proficient in English, Arabic, and French, Kheir adeptly bridges communication gaps, effectively reaching out to diverse groups within the organization and facilitating understanding and unity.

A key takeaway from guiding organizational change processes is the importance of flexibility and responsiveness to feedback. Kheir remains open to adjusting as needed to ensure the well-being and productivity of the team.

Throughout various change processes, including substantial shifts in the HR landscape through digitalization and the implementation of AI and VR technologies, this strategy has proven instrumental in ensuring not just a smooth transition but a successful embrace of the new, with a team that is confident, informed, and ready for the future.

Prioritizing Mental Well-being

In today’s world, the recognition of mental health and well-being as crucial elements of a productive workforce has gained prominence. At Power International Holding, safeguarding the mental health of employees stands as an essential commitment.

Mohamad Kheir and his team undertook the task of nurturing a work culture that champions balance and well-being. They championed flexible working hours and remote work options, enabling individuals to strike a harmonious work-life equilibrium. The goal was clear: reduce stress, prevent burnout, and ensure that the team operates optimally while tending to their personal needs and well-being.

Various wellness programs focusing on mental health were introduced, including stress management workshops, mindfulness sessions, and confidential counseling services. These initiatives created a safe space where employees could seek help and guidance, prioritizing their mental well-being.

Recognizing the potential of learning and development in promoting mental well-being, well-being modules were seamlessly integrated into training programs. These modules equipped individuals with skills to manage stress effectively and build resilience.

A feedback loop was established, providing employees with a channel to communicate concerns and suggestions. Real-time feedback and needs to guide the refinement of initiatives, ensuring continuous support.

Leaders and managers were equipped with the skills to discover mental health issues, extend initial support, and guide team members toward appropriate help. This proactive approach fostered a supportive and empathetic organizational environment.

Leveraging his HR expertise and multilingual capabilities, Kheir ensured accessibility for all, regardless of linguistic backgrounds. This emphasis on inclusivity ensured that every team member could benefit from the available support.

Measurable outcomes reflected the success of these initiatives: increased employee satisfaction and reduced attrition rates. Employee feedback further substantiated a heightened sense of well-being and an environment marked by mutual support.

Through strategic and compassionate initiatives, a framework was established that not only supported employee mental well-being but also cultivated a culture of empathy, understanding, and collective growth. His vision has not only elevated the well-being of employees but has also become a testament to the transformative power of prioritizing mental health in the workplace.

Personalized Paths to Growth

At Power International Holding, Mohamad Kheir has championed a continuous learning and development culture for over a decade. His vision transformed the learning management system (LMS), integrating a career development roadmap with Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) for lifelong learning—strategically using HR AI and VR-enriched learning with immersive experiences.

Personalized learning paths, knowledge sharing, and performance evaluations drove growth. Kheir’s leadership fostered a learning mindset, emphasizing that learning is a lifelong journey. This approach, spanning personal and professional development, promotes diversity of thought and embraces emerging metaverse platforms for collaborative, immersive learning.

Seamless Onboarding and Integration

Mohamad Kheir has perfected the recruitment process. His strategy begins with precise job descriptions, supported by people analytics, to attract talent aligned with the organization’s values and growth opportunities. Leveraging digital transformation and AI tools, they proactively source candidates fitting not only the role but also the culture.

Inclusivity is a cornerstone, promoting diversity through thorough interviews assessing skills, growth potential, alignment with values, and team fit. A vigorous onboarding process immerses new hires in the organizational culture. A referral program fosters community and familiarity. Continuous feedback ensures an agile and responsive recruitment process. This diligent approach has built a harmonious, high-achieving team.

Key Performance Indicators for Effective HR

As the Group HR Director, Mohamad Kheir has prioritized precision in measuring the success of HR initiatives. His comprehensive approach combines data-driven insights with a people-centric ethos, ensuring that HR decisions resonate with employees’ needs and aspirations.

Leveraging sophisticated People Analytics, Kheir closely monitors key performance indicators (KPIs) to drive continuous improvement. These KPIs include Employee Engagement Score, Retention Rate, Training and Development Metrics, Time to Hire, and Diversity and Inclusion Indices. This data-driven approach offers a clear view of the organization’s health, aligning HR strategies with overarching goals.

However, he understands the critical balance between data and empathy in HR decision-making. He fosters a culture of empathy, where employees can voice concerns and feedback freely, emphasizing understanding and compassion. Performance evaluations incorporate qualitative aspects, ensuring fairness.

Kheir’s advice to aspiring HR professionals underscores the need for multidimensional skills, empathy, continuous learning, collaborative leadership, and critical thinking. Balancing data and compassion, he demonstrates that HR isn’t just about managing resources but about nurturing an environment where individuals can flourish, a valuable lesson for the next generation of HR leaders.

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