Mr. Christopher Chadwick: Molding A Tradition of Excellence

Christopher Chadwick
Mr. Christopher Chadwick

The story we are going to tell you today entails a Principal who is self-confident with the attitude ‘go with what you know’. He understands that the job of a Principal is often messy and unpredictable. This job can be best enclosed under the position that involves; raising standards and achievements; providing the highest quality in teaching and learning; a balanced curriculum of academics, athletics, and arts. Hence, one can say that this position carries a profoundly important responsibility. We would like you to meet the above-described personality who is well versed in his profession, Christopher Chadwick, Principal of Korean International School. Christopher has excellent management skills that allows him to take complete accountability in decision-making and to have the power to make hard choices when necessary. Further, he possesses great personal relationship skills and the capacity to be a successful negotiator. Encouraging others to do of their best, he has very strong expectations of all his teachers and his students.

With Great Power comes Great Responsibility

Christopher recognizes his duties and responsibilities at KIS and asserts, “I believe that I have not only one of the best, but one of the most important, jobs in the world Principal of the Korean International School Hong Kong HKSAR China”.

When he was first appointed as the Principal of KIS, he said to the Board of Governors that “I want to make our school an ‘oasis in the heart of Hong Kong’ that when you walk in you feel that this is a place where everyone cares, a happy school filled with smiles and laughter”. Christopher knows that when students are happy, then only they will learn and would come to the school. Therefore, he engages learners by following a well-structured fast paced UK curriculum, which the teachers and administrators can monitor. This adopted curriculum is distinctive of today for the needs of tomorrow and is also tailored to the appropriate student requirements.
As Principal he understands that modern technologies will continue to offer increasingly marvelous educational opportunities to students but he believes that at the ‘heart’ of a great education will still lie the special interaction between student and teacher. As Principal, he understands that he has the authority to hire skilled, vibrant, and exemplary educators who are inspired to offer their utmost and are dedicated to enhancing the student’s teaching atmosphere. Students should be prepared to learn long after they have left school and the initiator of this method is a challenging and interesting classroom curriculum. This curriculum provides learners with the ability to continue studying, not only for their next stage of education but for their future. He concluded with saying, “The curriculum on its own doesn’t do anything it is the teachers who make the difference it is the teachers that bring it alive. I believe all students can be successful no matter what their background or capabilities”.

About KIS

Korean International School inaugurated in 1988 with the institution of Korean School, formally acknowledged and endorsed by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea to provide continuing education centered on Korean curriculum for Korean learners in HK.
The school’ mission statement PAVIA states for; Mission find PASSION; foster VISION; encourage ACTION. KIS can be seen as two schools in one with each running it’s own curriculum: Korean Section follows Korean curriculum set by the Ministry of Education of Republic of Korea, with the Principal and teaching staff appointed by the Ministry; and International Section, which follows Cambridge International Programs, with internationally appointed Principal and teaching staff. Despite this duality, indeed embracing the difference, the school seeks to foster the same values in all its students and hopes to help students become happy, fulfilled adults, and contributing members of the global community.
KIS believes in shaping the next generation and is proud of its students’ accomplishments. It also feels pride on being willing to assist, nurture, and encourage learners. So, students make progress in many areas, be it academic, sporting, the arts are all crucial to the development to make a valid contribution as global citizens.

A Remarkable Vision

Every year KIS say goodbye to 18-year-olds who go to universities all over the globe while at the same moment welcoming fresh 4-year-olds who are about to embark on their learning journey through education. These young learners beginning this academic year 2019-2020 will be the graduating class of 2033. So, what will the world be like then? How can we prepare these learners for the unknown? Christopher and KIS do not have the answers to these questions, but they will make sure that they teach them to be; cooperative, curious, critical thinkers, creative problem-solvers as well as good global citizens. The students’ demands are what drives KIS, motivating them to do better. KIS is not just creating excellent scholars, but also creating good people to prepare today’s learners for tomorrow’s world.

The Road Ahead

Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world” -Nelson Mandela
With this quote, Christopher will lead KIS to create an ‘oasis in the heart of HK’, which could become a school of choice where they can shape the next generation.
