Ms Madhuri Moyde: Striving for Societal Empowerment

Ms Madhuri Moyde
Ms Madhuri Moyde

India has a rich history of social activism. Examples of selfless people devoting their lives to ensuring social integrity have been common throughout the history of the country.

Ms Madhuri Moyde is one such name who has over 25 years of experience in teaching chemistry at schools of repute, along with serving various causes to uplift the society. She has been teaching the students CBSE and IGCSE (Cambridge Education) syllabi through modern teaching techniques and has been able to impact the lives of more than 200 kids by sending them to schools.

Apart from her passion for education, till now Madhuri has done four plantation drives and planted many trees.

Vijay Social Welfare Society (VSWS), an organization founded by Madhuri, has donated around 5000 sanitary napkins and conducted awareness campaigns to 20 schools and 15 Aanganwadis to educate girls on menstruation and hygiene. She has spoken to more than 4000 girls and women and distributed sanitary napkins every month for free.

Over the past two years, when the children’s education was compromised, VSWS under the guidance of Madhuri, conducted classes, workshops, and webinars to teach the importance of mental and physical health, like self-defence, career opportunities, diet and many more.

Through interactions, workshops, seminars, and training with communities, VSWS and Madhuri make people aware of the need to protect the environment and the need to have proper education and skills to bring about a better living for themselves and their children. One such instance is the awareness programme to promote eco-friendly Ganesha immersion. A workshop was arranged to teach people and reflect on the importance of eco-friendly Ganesha immersion to save water bodies.

Recently Madhuri successfully organized a free eye camp along with Choithram Netrayal for the elderly people with 112 registrations, and 33 cataract patients were operated on free of cost.

Additionally, a health camp was organized on international Women’s Day 2023 for more than 300 ladies.

Recently Madhuri also launched a mobile application was launched with the help of her I.T. team in her initiative to combine the information and contact details of NGOs in Madhya Pradesh. This app will help many people in need.

Strong Outdoor Presence

Ms Madhuri Moyde has attended multiple seminars and activities in her long career, which has provided a boost to her initiatives.

Never-ending Expansion of a Trophy Cabinet

It is no surprise that Ms Madhuri has received numerous awards in her long career for her impeccable work in this field. Some of these awards are:

  • Devarth Award 2021 for honouring exemplary services
  • Her Ka Hunar Award 2021 Ÿ Avani Alankaran Award 2021
  • Felicitated by Akhil Bhartiya Narmadiya Brahmin Mahila Sangathan (2021)
  • Awarded by Mr Jeetu Patwari, former cabinet minister M.P., for active contribution to social welfare in the Indore city (2021)
  • Appreciation Award by Women Child Development Department, M.P. (2021)
  • Appreciation Award by IMC for contribution to environment protection (2020)
  • Certificate of Appreciation by Indore Municipal Corporation for significant contribution to the field of conserving water bodies
  • Teacher Innovation Award from ZIIET
  • Inspiring climate education award 2019 by Green Mentoring and Solutions Private LTD
  • Certificate of appreciation in IPR Summit 2021by SDPS Women’s College
  • Green Queen Award for social work

Making a Large Impact on the Society

Ms Madhuri has been instrumental in making an impact on society. With her efforts, more than 10,000 girls and women from vulnerable sections of society were trained under the Menstrual Hygiene Management Program, along with the free distribution of sanitary pads.

Under her aegis, around 5000 cloth bags were also distributed to create awareness about the harmful effects of plastic on the environment and more than 250 saplings have been planted and taken care of every year by her team for the last ten years under Green Indore Campaign.

More than 10,000 children of the age group, 7-16 of Govt schools, slum areas and Aangawadis, were made aware of child abuse, good touch, bad touch, and child helpline.
